i love hibiscus flowers because they are so beautiful and exotic. they remind me of the ocean and tropical areas of the world that i have been to and would love to go. they remind me of beaches where all you need is your bare feet in the sand. overall an hibiscus flower means natural beauty which is something i value in my life.
i chose blue because it's not only my favorite color, but it also symbolizing tranquility, calmness and peacefullness. it also makes me think of the color of the ocean.
i decided on the words "one life" to remind me of how i should live my life. we only got one life to live, one life to give and then it's gone. life is so short and there is no garantees - we need to take what we got and go forward, full throttle. we need to dream big and then chase after those dreams with all we got. we never know when our time will be up so use the life we have and live with no regrets.
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