The world is changing at such a rapid rat that waiting to implement changes will leave you two steps behind. DO IT NOW, DO IT NOW, DO IT NOW!
~ Lululemon
Friday the thirteenth is recognized by many people as a day to be wary of every situation. Strange things are said to happen on that such day. Things that are not so cheery and can change a person’s luck in a heartbeat. It’s why many buildings have been built with the thirteenth floor conveniently missing. It’s a dark day. A day of black. A day of mourning. A day when all bad things come to be.
But not this past Friday the thirteenth. This past Friday (May 13, 2011) a remarkable thing happened. Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter lined up in a row causing astrologers and star-gazers around the world to stare up in the sky in awe. This rare occurrance, happening once every 100 years, signifying a major change in the world today. Some say that it represents the world coming to an end. Some say it's an event to celebrate - all the positive changes that will be. Regardless, change on a whole is in the air.
So this got me thinking. What is it that is my big change? What in my life – my world – is changing right now? Or better yet – what is it that I want to change right now? The more I thought about it, the more blank my mind became. Sure, there are things that I know I can improve upon in my life, but they are all things that are not going to happen overnight. I would love to cut the crap food out of my life for good. I would love to just simply not crave that food. Not want it. Not “need” it. Not desperately cling to the idea of what I could get for my next “treat” (I type this as I pop another jelly bean into my mouth). I would love that. But that will come with time.
I would love to be at my optimal fitness level – where I was at while trekking Te Araroa Trail. I would love to be able to maintain that level of fitness in my everyday life. I know that I could be better than what I am right now, but again – that will come with time. Time to sort out my schedule. Time to sort out the weather. Time to sort out my options. Time to get to where I want to be. Time.
Above this, I also want to develop my art further. I would love to be in a position of which I feel confident of how I am able to present myself as an artist. Confident of my skill base. Confident of selling myself for certain projects to boost my experience in the art industry. Again – time comes into play. I will get there. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But I will get there. Step by step.
There are many more things above and beyond that I would love to do with my life. Things I want to learn. Places I want to see. People I want to build better relationships with. There are so many things – changes – I want to do with my life that it is ridiculous to ever think that I might have enough time to fit it all in.
So when I look at my life as how I have it right now. I figure I have it pretty good. I get to live with some wonderful people in a brilliant location in New Zealand. I get to learn of a business that I dream of one day developing into my own. I get to work with an awesome team that allows me to leave work each day stress-free. I get to try something new while getting to meet some locals as I learn my bit for the local production of Robin Hood. Not only that, but I get to work at developing my art portfolio as I work at showcasing my photography and producing photos for local businesses in the area. Dare I say it – I’m not looking at the other side of the fence and wishing I was where the grass was greener. The grass is pretty green right here where I am. Right here. Right now.
The biggest change I want to make in my life right now is to just be. To just enjoy where I am at. Not looking forward and not looking back. Just enjoying the moment for what it is. Where I am. What I am doing. I think the moment of right now is the most precious one to experience and all too often I personally get caught up in the doing of things for the future. Of the goal-setting. The future-planning. The dreaming of tomorrow all the while flying through today. I hope to stop flapping my wings so furiously enough that I can find a nice branch to perch on and just be. Feel the wind on my face. The snow under my foot. The smell of the leaves as they fall from the trees. The taste of my homemade soup. The sight of the mountains in front of me. Everything. Bit by bit. Just being. Living. Loving.
Sometimes the most important thing of taking the bull by the horns is the act of taking the bull by the horns. And that’s what I intend to do and I intend to do it right now. Just be.