i soon found out, though, that today was destined to be "one of those days." the type of day that nothing quite goes right - and yet it's not completely frustrating enough for it to be seriously downheartening. i more or less found it quite funny. i wasn't even tired and yet here i was doing stuff all day long that one may have wondered if i was auditioning for a female version of the three stooges.
i bumped my arm on a box and dumped half the drink i was carrying on the floor. i made a takeaway coffee in a small cup when they asked for a large and then proceeded to try and fit a large cup lid on the container before i realized what i was doing. i dumped a container of water on the counter. when i went to clean it up, i picked up a towel which knocked one of our large knives to the floor, nearly chopping off my big toe. i ate my lunch and ended up with half of it in my hair. i went to fill the cookie jars, picked one up and it slipped from my hands and when it landed on top of the shelf it knocked a flourescent light down. then, when i went to rest (from all the hard work of doing everything but setting the building on fire) i leaned back on the counter and when i got up i realized i had been leaning on a wet towel. i had a nice wet spot on my behind. fun. haha.
then the favorite customer of the day had to be one who came in with her friend and she wanted to order a smoothie. the conversation went something like this:
"hi, i'd like a skim smoothie please."
"sure thing, which kind would you like?"
"which kind do you want?"
"what kind?"
"what FLAVOUR would you like to choose?" at this point i am indicating with my hand to the board that lists our flavours.
"BANANA." she rolls her eyes at me and gives me a wierd look as though it was i who should have known all along what she wanted. OBVIOUSLY banana.
haha. like i said - fun. to top it off me, malin and iqbal (the only three working today) cranked the tunes, singing and dancing our way through the afternoon, telling jokes and laughing untill our sides hurt. we made a mascot out of an enormously large beetroot - it is now part cow, part veggie. i have posted the pictures to prove it.
nothing like a day at work looking out at the beach and ocean waves though to make a person smile. and think. and want to surf. something of which i have decided i NEED to do - sooner rather than later. and since malin has so graciously offered to help teach me (thanks hun) all i need to figure out is how to get my hands on a surfboard....