
Swazi Saves the Day

It's official. The day has come that Alex and I have been not-so-patiently waiting for. It happened while I was at work last night and when I finished my shift I looked at my phone to notice that Alex had texted me to call her immediately once I got off shift. I thought perhaps she was going to complain that I had forgotten to give her the laptop before I went to work and, as such, she couldn't do anything on it because it was locked in my tent. Or something equally and randomly disturbing.

That wasn't the case, when I called her she whispers to me that she's watching a movie, but that she received word that we have our first sponsor for the trek. I must have looked like an idiot walking down the street as I started pumping my fist in the air and jumping around. This was the day we had been working towards for what feels like forever and it finally came. We can officially say we have a sponsor for our trek. Swazi.

Swazi is a New Zealand based outdoor company, specializing in clothing that is made to last the natural elements. It's a company that designs clothing to keep people warm and dry. "Durable. Practical and affordable clothing. Currently, Swazi has become much more than a clothing company. 15 years on it is a company with huge respect around the globe, not only for apparel, but also for it's stand on environmental issues, social justice and promotion of adventure" [Link]. Feel free to check out more about Swazi and their company at: http://www.swazi.co.nz/ The best part about it? They have agreed to help supply us with "team wear" for our trek.

And the good news doesn't just end there. We also received word from another company - Back Country Cuisine. They provide just that. Freeze dried meals and foods for those looking for lightweight and nutritious food in the back country. And they plan to provide sponsorship through discounted rate on their food. A great deal considering we're looking at approximately 150 days worth of back country adventure. 150 days worth of food for 2 people can add up rather quickly so, on behalf of Alex and myself, I have to say we thank you so much BCC!!

Though things are moving along in the sponsorship department, other aspects of life appear at a standstill. Between the birds mistaking my tent (and tent lock) for a excrement dumping ground, Fedex requiring mounds of paperwork to be printed, filled out and faxed back to them so they can "claim" my backpacking gear from the customs office and my experiences cleaning the dirtiest toilets at work that I have ever come across - some chill time would be much appreciated.

The funny thing about life is, though, one should be careful what they wish for.


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