whew. i'd like to say that i'm glad THAT'S over. but it's really not. now i got the lovely job of updating all of my portfolios i'll be taking with me to New York. i've forgotten how much work it is to prepare for stuff like this - not that i've done it before... but the whole idea of preparing art for a deadline is something i have not done for years really. it's kind of all-consuming.
outside of all this art business work has been insanely busy. nothing new with that i spose. me and the other on-call supervisor have been working on keeping the group home running smoothly, to the point that it's hard to imagine a new program coordinator coming in to take over. well - as it is - i spose i don't have to have trouble imagining any longer as they (the lovely people from head office) have finally found someone. great. now i'm just crossing my fingers that it won't be a re-run from our last program coordinator extravaganza cuz that wasn't very fun...
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