k. first things first. for those who are wondering i am NOT near the fires that have started in the kelowna area and i intend to keep it that way. now that that's out of the way, i figure i should update you on the going ons of whats being "going on" the past few days.
july 15/09 (DAY 15)
well - its been a whirlwind of nothingness the last few days. i cant believe that ive past the 2 week mark already. in one sense the time has flown by, but in another sense - i feel as though i am at a standstill.
at this point in time i am lying on the beach, overlooking mirror lake from the shoreline of the campground here. aside from the fact that there are a million kids staying at this campground - i cant complain.
on july 13, gerod and gail drove me to kaslo. i checked into the kaslo motel and caught up on my blog and then figured out my route to nelson. i spent the rest of the day wondering around the town, picking up groceries and watching tv/napping in my motel room. yesterday was much of the same.
this morning i checked out and walked about 5 km to get to this campground. im enjoying the slow pace my life has now become. its so chill. so peaceful. so whatever i want it to be. and today i just want to bake on the beach and get a tan. can life get much better than this? :)
well - i unfortunately decided to leave the beach and go back to my campsite. between the family that decided to set up their chairs directly in front of my towel (thereby blocking my entire view of the lake), the kid that threw a tantrum for 20 min and the 8 year old boy that decided to kick and throw sand right near my head - well - i figured some solitary time chilling on the grass by my tent was just as good, if not better of an experience. at least now i can grab whatever i need from my tent without worrying about someone taking my spot.
that being said, some dude just pulled up with his 2 large dogs and decided to park his camper practically right on top of a tree. well see how long it is until this guy starts to piss me off...
it is so peaceful here now that its quietened down a bit. it rained for a while (i napped) and after that it was as though a calm had come over the campground. children quietly play in the setting sun. adults get busy starting fires to cook their dinners and keep them warm after the sun disappears behind the western mountain range. all the while some elderly people play their accordions softly in the background. i feel as though i am a part of some picture on a postcard or in one of those 1950s commercials that show everyone so cheesily happy. only this isnt cheesy - its purely blissful.
i need to wash my clothes. ive been doing my best in washing them (twice) with the multipurpose/biodegradable soap - but its not the same. between my sweat, the heat and the fact that i have to compact my clothes into a compression dry sac everyday - well - they smell stale. i only hope no one else has noticed yet. maybe in neslon i can get them cleaned... maybe. :S
july 16/09 (DAY 16)
this morning i leisurely packed up my gear and made my way from mirror lake shortly before 8 am (the latest ive gotten started so far on my trip - save for the initial day at sunshine village) - but not before one of the ladies i had been talking to yesterday gave me a handful of fresh fruit, an energy drink and a new book to read (i traded her my womens travel book as ive read it 3 times already).
i set off and walked my way down the highway until i reached fletcher falls. i had found my next campsite only about 5 km away from mirror lake - and ITS SO MUCH BETTER.
the campground, for one, is free. secondly, it sits on the shore of kootenay lake with its own private beach and only the sounds that can be heard are that of the rushing creek nearby that feeds the lake. no kids crying. no sounds of families arguing. no large RVs that block the very view i set out to see.
all there is (knock on wood) is me, dyce and simone. dyce and simone are a couple from the netherlands who came to canada for their summer vacation and will eventually meet up with simones sister in vancouver. theyre about my age and freaking chill people. i love it. :)
july 17/09 (DAY 17)
well - i officially have my first rip in my tent. i feel as though this indicates that i have become a "hardcore" backpacker of sorts. i dont even know how the rip got there - i woke up this morning, sat up and there it was, staring back at me in wide-eyed wonder. at first i thought it might be made from a mouse, or some equally small and hungry animal attempting to get at my food stash - but the hole was too high. not that a mouse wouldnt be able to get up there - but why go to all that trouble when theres plenty of screen to chew through near the ground? my second guess was that maybe it was an insect like an ant - but the hole is too big and it wasnt as though there was an army of 6-legged creatures marching single file across my living quarters. so i am at a loss. at least now i get to make use of my duct tape!
simone and dyce ended up driving me to where the ferry crosses the lake. i hoofed it west a couple of km until i found a campground. i hated it on arrival, but decided to stay just for the experience. i then changed into my "chill wear" (they are now starting to smell as much as my hiking clothes) and went back into town - balfour. my purpose was 2-fold - figure out if the sign seen while on the drive that indicated hot springs were near was true and pick up a few food items for the next few days.
the sign turned out to be wrong and i wasnt even surprised. ive learned quickly through my travels in bc that many of the signs (even those representing the governments interests) are wrong. i dont know why this is, but it is and has created many adventures for me in the wilderness as i decide which way to go at each fork in the road.
i went to the grocery store and went overboard (as usual). i went there intending to only buy supplies to get me to nelson (2 more days away) and i ended up buying food for the next week.
anyway - back to the campground. i hate it. my only saving grace is that there is a small beach that lines the shore of the lake. at least i can attempt to tune everything else out. more and more, as i travel my way across bc, i am amazed at what people pay for in order to "get away," "be one with the wilderness" or "camp." this particular campground is barely tucked off the side of the highway that is constantly humming with vehicles driving by. once "in" the grounds it is completely open - barely a tree in sight. its more like trying to camp on a field only without as much grass. the, crossing to the lakeside, the peaceful "view" (a boating dock sits right in front of the beach) is ruined by the endless hum of nearby lawnmowers, dogs that wont quit yapping and boats that have nothing better to do but zip back and forth as though theyre in a fashion show. oh yeah - did i mention my neighbors prefer to yell at their animals and kids any chance they get? right. and people PAY for this experience. it sux that i am one of them.
in comparison, last night was free. last nights campsite was quiet, lush and peaceful. the lake and mountains was the only view as far as the eye could see. i would GLADLY pay for the experience i had there - but thats the thing - i didnt have to.
july 18/09 (DAY 18)
i can hardly believe its only 10 am and already so much has happened. first off - i woke up all ready to go at 5 am. ive developed this nice little routine as ive gone along on my travels - one that actually started prior when id get up at 6 am to go running in calgary. im now only an hour earlier than that, but people always seem to find it surprising when they discover this is what i WANT to do.
when i first started walking i found that the coldest part of the night was between 4-5 am (right now im lucky if theres a cold part of the day/night at all). id usually wake at 4 am and have to warm myself up, but thatd only last until 5 am. since the sun was coming up anyway, i figured i might as well get a move on.
secondly, when a person thinks of walking 30 km a day, im looking at about 8 hours of walking without stopping. that is intimidating enough without having to calculate the heat factor that rises as the day carries on. id much prefer to cut out all those logistics and simply knock off a majority of my distance while the sun is still trying to rise.
finally, my third reason for me to want to wake up at the crack of dawn (literally) is for the "extras." i dont want to have to worry about a setting sun if im having fun chatting it up with fellow hikers, want a break to take in the view or take the wrong path and have to backtrack. the only thing worse than being tired, hungry and still not at my destination is having to get there by flashlight.
so i headed out early this morning and though i didnt have far to go i was soon bitter at the fact that i had to walk along the highway. i miss the dirt paths, the sweet smell of the bush and yes, i even miss having to swing my walking sticks extra hard in a windmill fashion every 2 seconds to rid my body of any landing mosquitoes. i was just beginning to get deep into my negative contemplation when i saw it. WAY up high in a tree on the other side of the highway a bald eagle was perched. i was thrilled to be able to be in the presence of such a fierce and wild animal. i took off my pack and as cars zipped on past in their hurried fashion i stood there and took pictures. the eagle appeared to be posing just for me as when i felt i had enough pictures he gracefully took off and flew away. i was on cloud nine. THAT was exactly why i wanted to tough it out and walk instead of thumbing for a ride. not many people get to experience such things and i wanted to experience it ALL.
anyway - i made it to the kokanee provincial park campsite. if i was into beer i would have one in my hand to celebrate the moment with a bit of cheesiness. no one was at the registration office yet so i put my bag down at an empty site and walked around a bit. finally, they were open and i got the attention of one of the rangers. i told him id like to register for a site and had just put my stuff down in an empty one. he looked at me as though my head had just fallen off and immediately said, "YOU CANT DO THAT." as calmly as i could i replied, "i realize that, but i had arrived early and no one was hear (at the registration office) and my pack was heavy." his tone changed and he was suddenly warm to me, "you walked here?" i confirmed with a nod. he promptly gave me a map of the grounds and sent me to an area that was free for hikers and cyclists. i was in my glory.
next up - im beaching it by my very own cherry tree (if i can find it).
well - i DID find the cherry tree. only problem was that 2 women were setting the stage to have a wedding for 4 pm - right in front of the damn tree. i figured id play it cool tanning on my beach towel and laughing at the lame jokes the women kept trying to include me in. but with my feet in the sand, sun on my skin and a breathtaking view of the lake (all while camping for free) i could not be frustrated for long. i figured id come back to the tree later.
a couple hours later it was lunch. so i headed back to my lovely campsite and thats when it hit me - the munchies. it wasnt as though i was hungry or the food was even what i wanted, but 4 granola bars, 2 quesadillas and a handful of candy later i realized what i was doing. i was eating to comfort myself for being lonely and THAT realization hit me completely unexpectantly. i had CHOSEN to do what i am doing ALONE. there is not time for me to be moping in self pity on how i wished i could have someone else with me so i could at the very least be frustrated that i have to compromise what i want in order to do what they want. right then and there i made the decision: I REFUSE TO BE LONELY. this is MY time and i am going to make the most of it and do whatever the hell i want to do.
today i wanted to kayak. so i walked to the rental shop and for the price of one night at a cheap motel i got my kayak for 4 hours.
prior to getting the kayak i had to ask for directions and dragged my sorry butt to the visitors information centre. a i walked up to the doors, my reflection in the windows looked how i felt and i dreaded talking to another human being. i was sweaty, sunburned, mosquito bites covered my body, my hair clung to my forehead in a greasy mop-like fashion and then was pulled back into a frizzy ball uptop my head. my tank top was stretched out and had stains on the front. my choice of shorts left little to the imagination and my thighs apparently decided to jiggle with cottage-cheese proudness. i felt weak, tired, depressed and ugly. heaven knows i smelled as though i had just come from a garbage dump.
i reminded myself that my purpose was to go kayaking and that what i saw in the window was only an exaggeration of my imagination. i gritted my teeth, walked in and got directions.
once i got my kayak and pulled out onto the lake - i immediately felt at peace with myself. i paddled hard to gain as much distance as possible between me and the dock. my arms moved as though they had been kayaking everyday for years. my paddle and kayak glided effortlessly through the liquid glass surface. i felt the sun beat down on my back and i stopped paddling. i sat there, in the middle of the lake just taking it in, feeling it. i took off my enormous life jacket and stashed it behind me. then i dipped my feet into the cool waters. all around boats and seadoos zipped by me, creating waves that rocked my orange vessel, but i barely noticed. i was in my zone and it felt damn good to be back.
it had been too many nights sleeping with the loud and obnoxious tourists and too many days walking on hard pavement as vehicles zipped by. i needed to reconnect with what i intended to do all along - be with nature and experience bc in all that it is. kayaking was my ticket.
it felt fabulous to be doing something with my arms again. too many days i have been pushing my lower body to the max and i grew excited to think tomorrow i might be sore in different places - i might even have blisters on my hands.
i paddled my way all over the lake. well, not ALL over as that would take take days, but enough for my small time restraint. when it got too hot to just be dipping my hands and feet in the water i paddled over to an unused, hidden beach and went for a swim - i then paddled some more.
at the end of it all i was dehydrated and dead tired. i turned in my kayak and promptly bough some ice cream to celebrate - ME.
i never did get any cherries from the cherry tree. when i got back to my campsite and went to the beach another person was using the table right in front of the tree. too bad.
july 19/09 (DAY 19)
today i happened to wake up with a bad case of determination and stubbornness. i was head set that i just HAD to get some cherries from the cherry tree. so after i crawled from my tent and chowed down on some oatmeal i marched down to the beach and found the tree. i grabbed at some of the lower-branched cherries and popped one in my mouth. it was BY-FAR the best tasting cherry ive ever had. i had to get more, but there were none left on the bottom branches - apparently i was not the first to have this brilliant idea. i got closer and eyed the tree branches above. the only way i could get more would be to climb the tree. how hard could THAT be?
i used to climb trees all the time when growing up. i loved to see how high i could get and i distinctly remember once climbing a weeping willow to the very top and feeling as free as a bird as the thin branches that held me swayed in the wind. it was all a good time until my babysitter came out and freaked at me for doing something so "dangerous." i wasnt allowed to climb that tree again.
thankfully i managed to scrambled up the base of the cherry tree without being TOO clumsy - though i thanked the heavens no one was around to watch my first 2 failed attempts. once up there i sat on a limb and pulled branches closer to me to grasp the fruit on the ends. i was in my glory. without being too greedy i filled my mesh bag i brought with me with a good handful and then refocused to find a good way to climb down. this did not fare so well with me as my attempt at being graceful failed and i landed on the ground with a big thud. my injuries were minor, the worst being a nice chunk taken out of my thumb. all in the name of fresh fruit.
anyway, i eventually made it to neslon and the campground here. it came as an awesome surprise that they have laundry facilities right at the campsite. its been nearly 3 weeks and i havent washed my clothes save for the 2 times with the camping soap (the fresh smell lasts about 2 minutes). ive been do for a cleaning overhaul. sure, i probably have more clothes than the average long distance backpacker, but when you add it up - it really isnt much when deciding to chill in the city like nelson for a few days.
now - beings that its been warmer climate (30+ each day) - i have been reduced to very limited options and those options continue to reduce when i can smell my own stench. i have never been so happy to have access to laundry faciliites. that being said, it has taken some rather unique skills in figuring out how to do ALL my laundry (including that of which i am wearing).
that being said, i think i will like it here in nelson. ive booked 4 nights at the campground here (for about the same price as one night in a motel) which will give me a chance to really take my time to see what neslon has to offer.
so the "hardcore" campers have pulled up beside me. i get the joyful experience of being their neighbors tonight (and who knows of the nights to come). they seem like nice enough people, but they definitely thought of EVERYTHING - they brought CARPET to put outside their trailors and under their picnic tables. oh, no, wait - make that ONE picnic table as the other couple (theres 2 couples) brought a full patio set with them. i overheard them state theyre having steaks tonight. and i thought i was living it up with my can of beef ravioli from chef boyarde (which i discovered they only put cheese FLAVOR in - theres no actual cheese). haha... good times...
anyway, back to the EXTREME campers - it really makes me question what it means to "camp" anymore. really. if you got a table cloth so you dont "gasp" accidentally touch the picnic table - what does that mean? now days you can get RVs with TVs, DVD players, hookups for ipods, fully functioning bathroom and kitchen amenities and the works. so does it matter if you have technology? one could argue that camping means to "get away" and experience the "great outdoors" but does that include driving to a pre-determined location in order to claim a firepit squeezed between hundreds of other "campers" and have no view either because all the RVs are too high to see over or theres no tree in sight as they were all cut down to accommodate all the "campers"?
i suppose camping is different for everyone - it just depends on why the person wants to go. the bottom line that annoys me about fellow campers is those who camp with complete disregard for the precious environment around them and those that appear to do everything in their power to get AWAY from it..... other than that i suppose i can't really judge now can i?
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Hey Shalane,
Thanks for sending me a link to your blog.
I paticularly enjoyed your post about EXTREME CAMPERS. We see it all the time. People come here on vacation with some vaque idea of getting back to nature and the basics, but never really experience it...because they never REALLY leave home. i.e. I think you forgot to mention the satellite dish...standard equipment on most motorhomes. Can't leave the TV behind now can we.
I feel sad for them in a sense, because they truly don't understand what they are missing.
Glad you enjoyed the photos I sent.
Enjoy your travels and above all the people you meet. They will all be part of your life forever in some small way.
And keeping a journal/blog is awesome. You are a truly a motivated and full-on young lady.
May the spirit of life be with you. Seems you understand in your youth that "fulfillment in life is in the journey, not the destination"
Doug Pyper
Kaslo, BB
a great find for panda fanatic!
my roommate and i LOVE this bag
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