anyway - like i said - i will, from this point on, be posting links to my travel photo albums to the side of my blog entries. as it stands, the first photo album can be viewed at: BACKPACKING BC
i can hardly believe i have made it here to kaslo - its like paradise and i fear that i will never leave should i make my way to nelson. this adventure just keeps getting better and better, i do not want it to stop and i am so thankful that it doesnt have to. i feel so free. so alive. so able to take on the world.
when i tell people of what i am doing, it is always a fascinating thing to see the reaction. some are so surprised that i am going by myself across bc - they peg me as being "brave" or "courageous." i never really thought of myself as either. i just thought of this journey as being something ive always wanted to do. sure its tough. sure there are ups and downs. sure, sometimes i am scared that i will never make it to vancouver or that i will be eaten by an animal. but i love every minute of it and that is what keeps me pressing forward.
as i hang out here in kaslo - i find it so chill. it is this quaint little town that is built of all these remaining oldskool buildings. picture heritage park on a lake in bc and thats about it - well, minus the fact that everyone living here isnt living in oldskool clothing or anything. its got the beach. its got the heat. its got the amazing lake that makes me want to jump right in and go for a swim. im loving it.
so - enjoy the pictures... there will be more to come... :D
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