september 20/09
today i met betty. she happened to be sitting in the seat next to me on the train. at what i could only estimate at being near the 300 lbs mark, my brain immediately began stressing at the thought that my one butt cheek might be forced to be compressed against the armrest of my chair for the next 25 hours of my life due to the limited seating area. fortunately she was able to squish over enough for me and we got to chatting it up rather quickly.
my day has been fairly relaxing so far. it started with church, which was an experience in itself - i havent been for years and didnt particularly have any intention of going back anytime soon. tim, shelley, mackenzie and i all went out for lunch afterwards at a mongolian restuarant (YUM!) and then lazed around the remainder of the afternoon. after a delicious supper of soup mixed with tortilla chips and chees, shelley drove me to chemault which is near bend so i could catch the train. i boarded at 8:08 pm and wont be in LA now untill 9 pm TOMORROW night. i think that qualifies as the most time ill have spent in one mode of transportation at one time. even so - i cant complain.
i find train riding to be probably one of my favorite modes of transportation at this point (well, except for skydiving -- if i could parachute in to wherever i wanted to go... well, life would be pretty sweet). the seats on a train are bigger and cushier. theres the option of regular seating or sleeper cars. theres the dining car, washrooms and lots of space and opportunity to walk around. plus the seats recline and are complete with table trays, foot rests and leg rests. and thats all without mention of the incredible scenery and cheap rates.
back to betty and i - she definitely surprised me at being a total sweetheart. as we chatted it up, what didnt surprise me was her constant need to find excuse and complaint over her weight "situation." excuse after excuse would come pouring out of her mouth without me asking a single question. its "not her fault." she has "health problems." shes "too old" to do anything. her family "takes care" of her. i felt like telling her to go apply for the biggest loser tv show and DO something about the weight that she blatently appeared to hate, but i figured a comment like that probably wouldnt do wonders for our short-term relationship. especially if i had to sit next to her for 25 hours.
a couple hours into the ride a staff came by to move me to another seat. as each car is designated for a certain drop-off area, i had been orginally seated in the wrong car. i was "at home" with "my people" at last. i plopped myself down beside my sleeping neighbor and took in my new surroundings. the guy talking loudly on his cell. the snoring couple in the row ahead. the single elderly man with rocking dance tunes blasting from his head phones. i figure ill fit right in with my neck pillow and neon green ear plugs (thanks shemine). if only i had brought an eye mask. oh well - hate to be TOO comfortable here. haha.
september 21/09
i made it through the night - however restless it was. i managed to figure out that my multipurpose headband could also be used as an eye cover. i can only imagine what i looked like sleeping - so long as i slept - i didnt much care.
this morning i was able to brush my teeth in the extra small bathroom - yet another reason its been awesome to travel with luggage small enough that i dont have to check it. theres something about freshly cleaned teeth that always makes me feel more human.
25 hours from chemault, i made it to LA. the i took a $7 USD express bus to the airport to get the shuttle that would take me to the hotel. as i rode the express bus, i focused my gaze out the window at the sillouettes of palm trees that resembled an end of a q-tip. the soft glow from the hundreds of city lights highlighted the shaggy-looking trees and helped my mind block out the crying baby a few rows behind me.
i eventually made it to my hotel, something that was a gift from my uncle. when i was staying in oregon, he said to me shortly before i left, "i have a gift for you." as tim is notorious for making jokes and such, i was skeptical as to what this could be. i asked if it was made of peas as he used to put peas in everything when me and my sister were younger and it was kind of a running joke among the family. he laughed and said "no" and then proceeded to inform me he had booked a hotel room for me. i was thrilled. originally i intended to just crash at the train station or airport as i was only planning to stay in LA for the night. i was so glad to get to LA and actually have a bed to sleep in - thanks tim!
i quickly settled into my room, but not before i made a pit stop at 7-11 for some grub. i was famished and as the food was insanely expensive on the train, i had refused to indulge in more than what i had brought with me. after i chowed down i crashed for the night in a blissful sleep.
september 22/09
this morning i woke up feeling refreshed and relaxed. the shower the night before had down wonders in making me feel renewed. i pulled on my jeans again, completing my "outfit" that i had worn the past 2 previous days. i figured as the majority of my time has been spent sitting on my butt in some form of travel and i was looking at more travel time to get to sydney, a new set of clothes i figured was not necessary. besides, wearing my jeans takes the bulkiest clothing item out of my bag.
anyway, the remainder of my morning flew by rather quickly between a complimentary breakfast at the hotel and zoning out in front of the tv. before i knew it it was coming up to checkout time. in case i had some how thrown out my brain, the front desk called me at 10:30 to ask if i was going to check out or if i wanted to spend another night. shortly after a maid came knocking at the door to see if she could clean house. geez. i got the hint. was was time to go.
after being so "nicely" nudged out the door i realized i had a ton of time to kill. my plane wasnt scheduled to leave untill 11:45 pm. so i got busy with the first activity that came to mind. hitting up the beach.
earlier at the hotel i had asked the lady at the front desk of the hotel if the beach was within walking distance. she stared at me with the type of astonishment one would give had i asked if i could take a tv with me when i checked out. she told me that the beach is NOT within walking distance and that one would HAVE to take a bus. i failed to ask her how far the beach was and she had failed to ask what i considered "walking distance" to be. i had plenty of time to kill and the walk across BC was still freshly engraved in my mind.
so west i walked. i dont know how far it was that i walked. i had only taken a portion of the LA map i had picked up and it just so happened that that part didnt have the scale on it. and even it if did, i wouldnt know how to convert it to km. makes me wonder what the deal is with the USA and how theyre the only ones using the imperial system.
however, i DID eventually make it to the beach. it was beautiful. my toes in the sand. my face feeling the warmth of the sun. and the waves. i hadnt realized how much i missed the sound of ocean waves crashing along the shoreline. in the near 3 months that i have been going, i havent really been around ocean waves. anywhere i have been has been protected from the raging waves. here - they calm me. mesmorized me. i sat right on the sand and just took it all in. hearing them. seeing them. feeling the salty ocean spray on my cheeks. i was in heaven.
things were all good untill i realized i should get moving. it had taken me nearly 2.5 hours to get from the hotel to the beach, bypassing the airport - i had a long walk ahead of me and i already had blisters from the walk to the shore (keep in mind that i am carting around my backpack all this time). to top it off, it was 90 degrees today and though i loved the head, i was without sunscreen today. i had to leave it behind in bend with my cousin as it was too large for my carry-on.
i never ended up staying at the beach too long then as i figured it would be wiser to avoid looking like a lobster by the end of the day - before i even make it to australia. so i began walking back to LAX. i was almost there and was walking along the sidewalk untill i came upon the point where the road when under another. there was this big sign indicating that it was illegal for any pedestrians to go through the tunnel where there wasnt a sidewalk anymore and was too dark to see anything. even without the sign i had no intention of walking into a potentially deadly situation such as that where cars are zipping by. the thing was - there was no alternative option for pedistrians too go. the sidewalk just ended. there was no way to go over, around or through. i simply had to backtrack and take an even longer route around. my sore and tired feet were not too happy about that.
eventually i made it to the airport and beelined for the washrooms. it was there as i rinsed my sweaty face and grubby hands that i discovered i had, in fact, turned a nice pinkish shade due to the sun. i only hoped it didnt get any worse. i then checked in with the airline and went to my gate where i wandered around, ate some supper and then waited to board the plane.
september 23/09
september 24/09
i have made it to sydney and have spent the last few hours settling in at tiffanys flat. after a long shower and nap, i felt refreshed. i then walked to the local store for some groceries and when i came back the weariness of my travels set in.
everything in me is tired. partly from the flight. partly from my long walk around LA the other day. partly from these last few days being so packed with travels my body and mind are exhausted. my spirit, however, is elated that i have made it this far in my journey. as i sit here resting my blistered, sore and swollen feet (this all resulted from my walk in LA and the flight), i contemplated what to do next.
the flight last night went rather smoothly and it didnt feel nearly as long as the last time i flew to australia. i figure my 25 hour train ride prior to the experience may have had something to do with that.
i did manage to snag an aisle seat on the flight, which was perfect as the plane was packed. on a flight that long i would gladly give up the opportunity to look out a window in order to have the freedom to get up to go to the bathroom as many times as i please and not feel guilty about having to make others scramble out of the way. however, i did happen to be sitting next to a guy who, upon falling asleep, let his arm slide over the armrest onto my seat (intentionally or not) taking up what little space i DID have. at the time i was sleeping too - but not for long - eventually i felt a nudge in my ribcage. my subconcious clued in that the guy next to me might be trying to wake me up so he could get out. then again, it might have been by accident. so i waited to see if id get another nudge. i did. i removed my eye mask and looked over to my companion. he was busy sleeping, his arm that was draped onto my seat twitched.
now, for myself, i have a hard time sleeping on planes to the point where i have lost complete awareness of how my body is positioned in relation to my surroundings. whether i am by the aisle, window or other human being - i am constantly aware. this leads me to question as to whether or nto this guy was twitching his arm in my seat on purpose. probably not, but wierder things have happened.
i figured the easiest way to get out of the increasingly awkward situation was to remove the intruders arm. i promptly took hold of the cuff of his shirt sleeve, swiftly picked up the arm and half tossed it back to his lap. he didnt even stir. i then went back to my state of half-sleeping.
once we landed, i was once again reminded of how i consider USA airports to be the most annoying at trying to get through their security measures. in sydney here, they didnt even blink when i put on my form that i was planning to stay in sydney for a year and i didnt know the exact address of where i was going. they also hustled me through the quarentine line without scanning my bag even though i openly declared i had brought over-the-counter medications into the country.
the USA, on the other hand, is an entirely different story by my experiences. first off, they always ask very specific questions about why im in the states, demanding to know the answer to the point where i wonder if beads of sweat are forming on my forehead. there are no smiles exchanged. no jokes. no banter. only the undenying feeling that i may have committed some crime that only THEY know about and have yet to include me on the details. then theres the security scanners that 5 people stand around eyeing the screen as though any minute it will show proof that i am, in fact, a mass arms dealer. then theres the dogs and the bomb checkers.
during one lovely time at LAX (this was a layover - i wasnt even scheduled to STAY in the USA) - i was checked twice by the SAME person (different locations in the airport) for any weapons of mass destruction i may have on my body. the guy told me it was random. i beg to differ. they frequently choose me for these types of searches and so i tend to think that i have a look that says i-have-a-bomb-on-me. anyway - the USA appears to be the exception for these experiences as i never leave any other countrys airports as frustrated and pissed off as i do with the states.
so, as i said - i made it to sydney without incident. i then met up with tiffany who picked me up from the airport and brought me back to her flat where she has graciously lent me a bed to sleep on for the next week. i have since spent the remainder of my day after grocery shopping, relaxing and trying to keep my eyes open untill its a decent hour to go to sleep for the night.
september 26/09
i woke today with the realization of all the possibilities and options that are available to me now that im in sydney. between where i can live (hostel, apartment, house, beach, city, other suburb), what to do for work (a barista gets paid more than what i got back in canada at my old job), and what to explore for fun - well the options are simply endless. i immediately felt inspired. so i went for a run.
there is something i find so wonderful about being able to run in so many places around the world. generally i get bored doing the same route all the time as i did back in calgary. but now, when travelling, its refreshing to be able to put on my runnders and explore a new area of the world with my ipod tunes cranked. today i ran along the seawall to the opera house. i was in awe and felt so priveleged to be able to be so up close to such a structure that i have only ever seen in pictures and tv advertisments.
part way through my run, i came across a two-man news crew. they stopped me to ask how i felt about running in the dust storm. at that point in time the sky was clouded over in a brownish haze and the wind had picked up. i told them i didnt really mind, i was just focused on my run. they countered with a question as to how i felt about all the "health concerns" related to running in that type of weather. i shrugged and said it didnt bug me so much. they let me continue on my run and i began thinking about the interaction and laughed to myself. i would much rather run in a dust storm than 2 feet of snow back in canada. that and how many health concerns could there possibly be with a bunch of dirt and sand blowing around in comparison to car emissions, pollutions and junk food? i finished my run, going along the same route i had taken yesterday when i walked through the botanical gardens towards the opera house, taking pictures along the way.
tonight the plan is to head out to meet tiffanys friend, arianna, in bondi (a famous beach suburb) for some drinks and chill time - should be fun!! :D
NOTE: i have created a new photo album to highlight my travels in sydney australia - check it out at: DOWN UNDER - SYDNEY
love life and live love
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11:09 AM
september 15/09
today has been an interesting day of sorts. it started with shelley and i taking misty (the dog) out ofr a nice morning walk. when we got back i spent some time checking out flight times and prices and found one that worked so i booked it. after lunch shelley took me to times office (hes a chiropractor) to try out this detox machine thats there.
it works by placing your feet in a hot tub of water and then a small machine works almost like a magnet, drawing out all the bad toxins from your body through your feet. when i was done my tub of water was a lovely shade of dark yellow with copious amounts of black flecks (from heavy metals in my body) floating around my ankles. i left feeling refreshed and renewed.
the remainder of the day was spent grocery shopping and relaxing in the warm sun. my thoughts continue to wander to the fact that i have officially booked my plane ticket to australia. september 22 i will be leaving and i honestly have no idea when i will return. its a strange concept. one for which i am both excited for but also a little nervous. i cant wait! :)
tonight we all spent the evening watching "the biggest loser" season premiere. listenting to each of their stories and watching them all struggle through their first week of workouts i was inspired. here were 16 people who came on the show - each for different reasons - each a the end of their rope. ready for a change. and they pushed on. some thought of quitting. some wanted to give up. but they didnt. dreams in sight they kept on. they faught with sweat and tears to take that first step to becoming a better person. for friends. for family. for themselves. it made me wonder - what step do i need to take?
september 19/09
i am coming down the home stretch here and its hard to put into words how im feeling. it is a mix of emotions i feel bubbling up inside of me. part of me excited. part nervous. part of me reflects on all i have give up to get to this point. part dreams of what is yet to come.
i never realized how much i would miss what i have left behind. im not talking about being homesick. i feel as though this is something different entirely. its the moments when i wake up to scour through my very limited wardrobe all the while remembering my full closet of clothes back in calgary. its the moments when i contemplate what id like to do for the day and have trouble tearing myself from the unending desire to pick up a brush and paint a canvas. i have neither of those in my pack. all those tools have been left behind. along with my laptop. my sports equipment. my art supplies. its all so far out of reach.
when i was planningn on thhis journey, i was so focused on everything i would get to do, see and experience that i truely forgot about all i would leave behind. it was not as though i completely neglected to think about such things, i just simply did not process the impact it would have on me to walk away from it all.
but the minute all these thoughts come rushing into my head i am also reminded of all i am gaining from this extensive travelling experience. i have done more in the last 2.5 months than what some people get to do in a lifetime. and there is so much more yet to come - i cant wait!
these last 2 days i have at my cousins house (i leave tomorrow night for LA) are slightly sentimental as this is th emost time ive been able to spend with them in years. it also is the last few moments i will be in north america and i have no idea how long it will be before im back. its hard to even envision the change in me that will take place as i move forward in my journey.
that being said - today is going to be a hiking day. as mackenzie is working, it will just be tim, shelley and i exploring smith rock state park. its been said that people from all ove rthe world come to climb the numerous rock faces that are offered at the park. i only wish i had the skills and equipment to join them today. i suppose taking pictures of them with my camera will have to suffice.
well - we have made it back from smith rock and it was fabulous! it was so much fun to just walk around, take in the fresh air and enjoy the experience of watching climbers make their way up and down various rock faces. im not going to lie - i totally wanted to be a part of what the climbers were doing, but i had to hold back. one day. one day i will do that.
it was also cool to be hiking in such a different environment that what i am used to from alberta and BC. i noticed the diference even between the 2 neighboring provinces in canada as i made my way towards the west coast, but here in oregon it is completely different from that entirely. it is more desert-like, with the dry dirt, rock and sage bush scattered across the land. when the breeze picks up it comes completely with dust particles that get caught up in your nasal passage as well as any other available crack, crease or sweaty body part you provide. the sun is hot and shade is rare - the trees are scattered and almost spindly as they try to survive in the arid conditions. but there is beauty. the rich reds of the rock. the twisted trunks of the trees. the view from the top of wherever a person is able to get to - its all gorgeous.
after our hike we headed off to see mackenzie at her work. it just so happens she works in a smoothie shop. i think since i have been here in bend i have been to get a smoothie almost 3 times, and that is not nearly enough to be able to taste all the delicious flavors that are offered there. maybe ill just have to come back one day then.....
in more pressing matters, exactly 27 hours from here i will be boarding a train to go to LA. i can hardly believe it is yet again another time to say goodbye. yet that also means it will be another time to say hello.....
today has been an interesting day of sorts. it started with shelley and i taking misty (the dog) out ofr a nice morning walk. when we got back i spent some time checking out flight times and prices and found one that worked so i booked it. after lunch shelley took me to times office (hes a chiropractor) to try out this detox machine thats there.
it works by placing your feet in a hot tub of water and then a small machine works almost like a magnet, drawing out all the bad toxins from your body through your feet. when i was done my tub of water was a lovely shade of dark yellow with copious amounts of black flecks (from heavy metals in my body) floating around my ankles. i left feeling refreshed and renewed.
the remainder of the day was spent grocery shopping and relaxing in the warm sun. my thoughts continue to wander to the fact that i have officially booked my plane ticket to australia. september 22 i will be leaving and i honestly have no idea when i will return. its a strange concept. one for which i am both excited for but also a little nervous. i cant wait! :)
tonight we all spent the evening watching "the biggest loser" season premiere. listenting to each of their stories and watching them all struggle through their first week of workouts i was inspired. here were 16 people who came on the show - each for different reasons - each a the end of their rope. ready for a change. and they pushed on. some thought of quitting. some wanted to give up. but they didnt. dreams in sight they kept on. they faught with sweat and tears to take that first step to becoming a better person. for friends. for family. for themselves. it made me wonder - what step do i need to take?
september 19/09
i am coming down the home stretch here and its hard to put into words how im feeling. it is a mix of emotions i feel bubbling up inside of me. part of me excited. part nervous. part of me reflects on all i have give up to get to this point. part dreams of what is yet to come.
i never realized how much i would miss what i have left behind. im not talking about being homesick. i feel as though this is something different entirely. its the moments when i wake up to scour through my very limited wardrobe all the while remembering my full closet of clothes back in calgary. its the moments when i contemplate what id like to do for the day and have trouble tearing myself from the unending desire to pick up a brush and paint a canvas. i have neither of those in my pack. all those tools have been left behind. along with my laptop. my sports equipment. my art supplies. its all so far out of reach.
when i was planningn on thhis journey, i was so focused on everything i would get to do, see and experience that i truely forgot about all i would leave behind. it was not as though i completely neglected to think about such things, i just simply did not process the impact it would have on me to walk away from it all.
but the minute all these thoughts come rushing into my head i am also reminded of all i am gaining from this extensive travelling experience. i have done more in the last 2.5 months than what some people get to do in a lifetime. and there is so much more yet to come - i cant wait!
these last 2 days i have at my cousins house (i leave tomorrow night for LA) are slightly sentimental as this is th emost time ive been able to spend with them in years. it also is the last few moments i will be in north america and i have no idea how long it will be before im back. its hard to even envision the change in me that will take place as i move forward in my journey.
that being said - today is going to be a hiking day. as mackenzie is working, it will just be tim, shelley and i exploring smith rock state park. its been said that people from all ove rthe world come to climb the numerous rock faces that are offered at the park. i only wish i had the skills and equipment to join them today. i suppose taking pictures of them with my camera will have to suffice.
well - we have made it back from smith rock and it was fabulous! it was so much fun to just walk around, take in the fresh air and enjoy the experience of watching climbers make their way up and down various rock faces. im not going to lie - i totally wanted to be a part of what the climbers were doing, but i had to hold back. one day. one day i will do that.
it was also cool to be hiking in such a different environment that what i am used to from alberta and BC. i noticed the diference even between the 2 neighboring provinces in canada as i made my way towards the west coast, but here in oregon it is completely different from that entirely. it is more desert-like, with the dry dirt, rock and sage bush scattered across the land. when the breeze picks up it comes completely with dust particles that get caught up in your nasal passage as well as any other available crack, crease or sweaty body part you provide. the sun is hot and shade is rare - the trees are scattered and almost spindly as they try to survive in the arid conditions. but there is beauty. the rich reds of the rock. the twisted trunks of the trees. the view from the top of wherever a person is able to get to - its all gorgeous.
after our hike we headed off to see mackenzie at her work. it just so happens she works in a smoothie shop. i think since i have been here in bend i have been to get a smoothie almost 3 times, and that is not nearly enough to be able to taste all the delicious flavors that are offered there. maybe ill just have to come back one day then.....
in more pressing matters, exactly 27 hours from here i will be boarding a train to go to LA. i can hardly believe it is yet again another time to say goodbye. yet that also means it will be another time to say hello.....
You Can Be a Follower, But Who is Your Leader?
Posted by
6:51 AM
september 10/09
i am now on the move again and this time its back to vancouver. yeah, yeah - i know - i was just there. but ill just be passing through today. i swear.
ive started to come down with a bad case of backpackers budgeting (aka: going to any means possible of trying to save a buck). hense why i woke up this morning at 4 a.m. to catch the ferry. hense why im choosing to travel for 15 hours today. hense why im going back to vancouver. its cheaper.
in my last few days of researching for the best route to take to get to LA - i discovered something. ferries arent always a nice and convenient way of travelling. but, when they are - theyre freaking fabulous! i have learned that ferries are ridiculously expensive under 2 specific conditions - a) when travelling via car on the ferry and b) when being a passenger on a ferry that does not carry cars. the latter is the type of ferry that transports people directly between victoria and seattle. in order to ride the "clipper" i have been quoted prices anywhere from $69 to $85 USD. and thats just one-way.
so when i looked into my other options i found that i could get to vancouver for $9 CAD (its $13.50 on weekends), take the bust to the train station ($5 CAD), then take the trian to portland for $49 CAD. thats only a total of $63 CAD and id be further along my route than if i took the clipper to seattle. the downside is that, yes, i had to catch the 7 a.m. ferry, roll out of bed at 4 a.m. and i probably wont be to portland untill 9 pm tonight. to me its worth it because it adds a little extra adventure to my trip.
as it stands, today has been fairly uneventful so far, save for the fact that both the bus and ferry have chosen to blast the air conditioning as though its 30 degrees outside. i stubbornly refuse to cave to my desire of buying a cozy hoodie - hot chocolate is cheaper.
yesterday i spent the day hanging out with a friend i havent seen for years. shemine and i explored the shores of victoria, checked out the bunny infestation at the university (they are overcome with over 1000 bunnies all because someone had decided it would be a good idea to leave a box of their unwanted ones on the property some time ago... they have since multiplied) and hung out - catching up on all our stories. it was nice to see a familiar face again and it was sad we only had a few hours together.
the rest of the afternoon i went running around downtown like a mad woman - trying to find a sleep mask (the brilliant yet dorky things that cover your eyes to block out light as you sleep) for less than $5, sold my books at a bookstore and explored chinatown. by 9 p.m. i was in bed and almost was able to fall asleep right away. that was untill one of my new roomies had the fabulous idea of blowdrying her hair in our room at 10 p.m. geez.
anyway - the ferry is almost at vancouver here. i should start attempted to figure out what bus will actually get me to the train station.
i cant stand to touch anything at this hotel. i think thats a first for me. im just thankful i wont have to worry about being cold tonight now that ive thrown all the bedding on the floor. its a hot one tonight in portland.
the train made it in right on schedule and once i got off, it took me a bit to find someone who could tell me when the bus leaves for bend tomorrow. i figured if it was super early in the a.m. id just catch my shut-eye at the train station rather than find a place to sleep for the night. i was told that the bus would not leave untill 1:30 pm the following day. i was astounded to find out that the bus also would cost me $46-49 USD for a one-way trip from portland to bend. thats MORE than what the train cost from vancouver to portland. sheesh.
anyway - i requested directions to the nearest hostel and was sent walking 20 blocks away to find it. eventually i made it there and asked if they had a room for the night. they didnt. the lady at the desk gave me the phone number for the other hostel in portland and i went to use the phone, but another lady got there first. she apparently had decided that NOW (at 9:45 pm) would be a good time to call some place for an eco-tour she wanted to go on the following day. the clincher? as she stood there rambling on forever into the hostel phone, she was holding onto a cellphone. sheesh.
eventually i was able to use the phone and called the other hostel. they informed me that, yes, they had room but that they were closing down shop in 10 minutes. there was no way i could make it across downtown in 10 minutes - even by bus. i reluctantly hung up the phone and was struck by the curious thought of why a hostel would be CLOSING up at 10 pm on a thursday night. wierd.
so i thought that maybe i would just walk around downtown and see if i could come up with any other brilliant ideas. i knew that if worst came to worse i could always go back to the train station and crash there. so i walked. and walked. and walked. as i was taking in the buildings of downtown portland, i saw movement out of the corner of my eye. i looked down to the sidewalk and there was this big rat staring back of me not more than 2 feet away. i had never seen a rat before and all i could think about was that show called fear factory that occassionally challenges people to sit in a box and see how long they can stand a bunch of rats running over their body. seeing this rat up close and personal - i dont think i could do something like that. fortunately the rat decided to squirm its way down through the grate that was on the side of the sidewalk. i continued on my way.
a few blocks later a guy approached me and asked, "whats the best nation in the world?" i told him i had no idea, figuring he must be some drunk guy all happy on USA love. he answered, "its a donation!" i was so confused as to where this conversation was going. he then handed me a card and asked if i ever eat at soup kitchens. i told him no, and he said that the card would get me a free meal at one - right. i walked away and wondered if he was handing out cards to everyone or if i had started to take on the look of a homeless person in need of a hot meal on a late thursday night. who knows.
after a while i made it to the kent hotel. as advertised, they had both hostel dorm rooms available and super cheap single rooms. they only had the single rooms available so i booked one for the night. as i climbed the stairs to my room i began to have second thoughts. i had seen a sign posted near the prices that stated the hotel required an ID from all persons booking rooms and that they were willing to take prison IDs. perfect. i also reflected on how the hotel was directly beside a local club and decided that it would be best to quickly find my room and lock the door for the night.
by the time i got to my room i was exhausted, but felt on high alert. the shared bathroom i passed on the way up had a large stain in the middle of the floor and someone had casually tossed an used diaper near the toilet. the floors and walls were built on odd angles and everything felt as though it was going to cave in at any moment. i opened the door to my room and was immediately faced with the smell of stale smoke. i gingerly set my bag down in the cleanest corner i could find and was careful not to touch anything.
the floor was sticky, there was stains on all layers of the bedding, the TV unit had some sticky goop on it and there was some type of dry animal food scattered in along the floorboards. i stripped the bed and layed out my sleep sheet as there was no way i was going to sleep on what they had provided me with. i carefully made sure that nothing of mine touched any questionable areas of the room and reminded myself that i would only use the common washroom for emergency-related purposes. fortunately i managed to fall asleep rather quickly.
september 11/09
today is the anniversary of september 11 and as i have spent time walking around portland here - its all ive heard about on the news and radio. i havent quite figured out what i think of portland and that might simply be because i have spent a majority of my time here either attempting (and finally succeeding) to get a place to stay at last night or waiting for my bus to arrive today.
the types of people i have seen around give portland (or at least the downtown of portland) a very eccletic feel to it. homeless people distribute themselves among the streets, claiming their piece of concrete in anyway they can. as this goes on, people all dressed up bustle down the streets on the way to their jobs - all the while cyclists and drivers zip down the streets.
during my wanderings around downtown as i waited for my bus, i met katie who happened to have stayed in the kent hotel last night as well. i asked her how her experience was and she told me that she had been asked twice, by 2 separate men if they could pay her for sex. she had later been asked by another man if he could pay her to let him sleep in her room (no sex) -- she declined all the offers and was thouroughly creeped out. i dont blame her. we spent the next hour or so chatting it up about our experiences of portland and surrounding areas untill we decided to part ways. i decided to check out a second hand clothing store to which i could only wish that i had more money and room in my bag as it was the first time i have ever found a second hand clothing store where i could find some good stuff. instead i walked away emptihanded and returned to the train station to wait for my bus.
well - i have made it to bend and it was a rather uneventful ride over here. since then i have just spent time catching up with my extended family and i am ready for bed.
september 12/09
today was a blast. me, tim and shelley (my aunt and uncle) went out for a mountain bike ride. i havent gone to do that in so long so i was both stoked and a little nervous. we ended up going on a path that was rather dusty, so we ended the ride with the 3 of us wiping dirt off of our teeth. regardless, it was a ton of fun to be able to get out there and be in the fresh air - especially when we ended the ride by going to visit mackenzie (my cousin) at her work at the local smoothie shop to get a refreshing drink.
the rest of the day i just lazed around a read a book - catching in some of the afternoon rays.
september 13/09
today we all piled into the car and drove out to OSU (oregon state university) to help chelsey move into her dorm. it was crazy to be back at an university and it brought back so many memories of when i went to UofA. we then went out to lunch and then piled back into the car for the slightly long ride back to bend.
NOTE: i have completely filled up my most recent photo album of "west coast adventures" and have started another one that you can check out at: WEST COAST ADVENTURES (2)
i am now on the move again and this time its back to vancouver. yeah, yeah - i know - i was just there. but ill just be passing through today. i swear.
ive started to come down with a bad case of backpackers budgeting (aka: going to any means possible of trying to save a buck). hense why i woke up this morning at 4 a.m. to catch the ferry. hense why im choosing to travel for 15 hours today. hense why im going back to vancouver. its cheaper.
in my last few days of researching for the best route to take to get to LA - i discovered something. ferries arent always a nice and convenient way of travelling. but, when they are - theyre freaking fabulous! i have learned that ferries are ridiculously expensive under 2 specific conditions - a) when travelling via car on the ferry and b) when being a passenger on a ferry that does not carry cars. the latter is the type of ferry that transports people directly between victoria and seattle. in order to ride the "clipper" i have been quoted prices anywhere from $69 to $85 USD. and thats just one-way.
so when i looked into my other options i found that i could get to vancouver for $9 CAD (its $13.50 on weekends), take the bust to the train station ($5 CAD), then take the trian to portland for $49 CAD. thats only a total of $63 CAD and id be further along my route than if i took the clipper to seattle. the downside is that, yes, i had to catch the 7 a.m. ferry, roll out of bed at 4 a.m. and i probably wont be to portland untill 9 pm tonight. to me its worth it because it adds a little extra adventure to my trip.
as it stands, today has been fairly uneventful so far, save for the fact that both the bus and ferry have chosen to blast the air conditioning as though its 30 degrees outside. i stubbornly refuse to cave to my desire of buying a cozy hoodie - hot chocolate is cheaper.
yesterday i spent the day hanging out with a friend i havent seen for years. shemine and i explored the shores of victoria, checked out the bunny infestation at the university (they are overcome with over 1000 bunnies all because someone had decided it would be a good idea to leave a box of their unwanted ones on the property some time ago... they have since multiplied) and hung out - catching up on all our stories. it was nice to see a familiar face again and it was sad we only had a few hours together.
the rest of the afternoon i went running around downtown like a mad woman - trying to find a sleep mask (the brilliant yet dorky things that cover your eyes to block out light as you sleep) for less than $5, sold my books at a bookstore and explored chinatown. by 9 p.m. i was in bed and almost was able to fall asleep right away. that was untill one of my new roomies had the fabulous idea of blowdrying her hair in our room at 10 p.m. geez.
anyway - the ferry is almost at vancouver here. i should start attempted to figure out what bus will actually get me to the train station.
i cant stand to touch anything at this hotel. i think thats a first for me. im just thankful i wont have to worry about being cold tonight now that ive thrown all the bedding on the floor. its a hot one tonight in portland.
the train made it in right on schedule and once i got off, it took me a bit to find someone who could tell me when the bus leaves for bend tomorrow. i figured if it was super early in the a.m. id just catch my shut-eye at the train station rather than find a place to sleep for the night. i was told that the bus would not leave untill 1:30 pm the following day. i was astounded to find out that the bus also would cost me $46-49 USD for a one-way trip from portland to bend. thats MORE than what the train cost from vancouver to portland. sheesh.
anyway - i requested directions to the nearest hostel and was sent walking 20 blocks away to find it. eventually i made it there and asked if they had a room for the night. they didnt. the lady at the desk gave me the phone number for the other hostel in portland and i went to use the phone, but another lady got there first. she apparently had decided that NOW (at 9:45 pm) would be a good time to call some place for an eco-tour she wanted to go on the following day. the clincher? as she stood there rambling on forever into the hostel phone, she was holding onto a cellphone. sheesh.
eventually i was able to use the phone and called the other hostel. they informed me that, yes, they had room but that they were closing down shop in 10 minutes. there was no way i could make it across downtown in 10 minutes - even by bus. i reluctantly hung up the phone and was struck by the curious thought of why a hostel would be CLOSING up at 10 pm on a thursday night. wierd.
so i thought that maybe i would just walk around downtown and see if i could come up with any other brilliant ideas. i knew that if worst came to worse i could always go back to the train station and crash there. so i walked. and walked. and walked. as i was taking in the buildings of downtown portland, i saw movement out of the corner of my eye. i looked down to the sidewalk and there was this big rat staring back of me not more than 2 feet away. i had never seen a rat before and all i could think about was that show called fear factory that occassionally challenges people to sit in a box and see how long they can stand a bunch of rats running over their body. seeing this rat up close and personal - i dont think i could do something like that. fortunately the rat decided to squirm its way down through the grate that was on the side of the sidewalk. i continued on my way.
a few blocks later a guy approached me and asked, "whats the best nation in the world?" i told him i had no idea, figuring he must be some drunk guy all happy on USA love. he answered, "its a donation!" i was so confused as to where this conversation was going. he then handed me a card and asked if i ever eat at soup kitchens. i told him no, and he said that the card would get me a free meal at one - right. i walked away and wondered if he was handing out cards to everyone or if i had started to take on the look of a homeless person in need of a hot meal on a late thursday night. who knows.
after a while i made it to the kent hotel. as advertised, they had both hostel dorm rooms available and super cheap single rooms. they only had the single rooms available so i booked one for the night. as i climbed the stairs to my room i began to have second thoughts. i had seen a sign posted near the prices that stated the hotel required an ID from all persons booking rooms and that they were willing to take prison IDs. perfect. i also reflected on how the hotel was directly beside a local club and decided that it would be best to quickly find my room and lock the door for the night.
by the time i got to my room i was exhausted, but felt on high alert. the shared bathroom i passed on the way up had a large stain in the middle of the floor and someone had casually tossed an used diaper near the toilet. the floors and walls were built on odd angles and everything felt as though it was going to cave in at any moment. i opened the door to my room and was immediately faced with the smell of stale smoke. i gingerly set my bag down in the cleanest corner i could find and was careful not to touch anything.
the floor was sticky, there was stains on all layers of the bedding, the TV unit had some sticky goop on it and there was some type of dry animal food scattered in along the floorboards. i stripped the bed and layed out my sleep sheet as there was no way i was going to sleep on what they had provided me with. i carefully made sure that nothing of mine touched any questionable areas of the room and reminded myself that i would only use the common washroom for emergency-related purposes. fortunately i managed to fall asleep rather quickly.
september 11/09
today is the anniversary of september 11 and as i have spent time walking around portland here - its all ive heard about on the news and radio. i havent quite figured out what i think of portland and that might simply be because i have spent a majority of my time here either attempting (and finally succeeding) to get a place to stay at last night or waiting for my bus to arrive today.
the types of people i have seen around give portland (or at least the downtown of portland) a very eccletic feel to it. homeless people distribute themselves among the streets, claiming their piece of concrete in anyway they can. as this goes on, people all dressed up bustle down the streets on the way to their jobs - all the while cyclists and drivers zip down the streets.
during my wanderings around downtown as i waited for my bus, i met katie who happened to have stayed in the kent hotel last night as well. i asked her how her experience was and she told me that she had been asked twice, by 2 separate men if they could pay her for sex. she had later been asked by another man if he could pay her to let him sleep in her room (no sex) -- she declined all the offers and was thouroughly creeped out. i dont blame her. we spent the next hour or so chatting it up about our experiences of portland and surrounding areas untill we decided to part ways. i decided to check out a second hand clothing store to which i could only wish that i had more money and room in my bag as it was the first time i have ever found a second hand clothing store where i could find some good stuff. instead i walked away emptihanded and returned to the train station to wait for my bus.
well - i have made it to bend and it was a rather uneventful ride over here. since then i have just spent time catching up with my extended family and i am ready for bed.
september 12/09
today was a blast. me, tim and shelley (my aunt and uncle) went out for a mountain bike ride. i havent gone to do that in so long so i was both stoked and a little nervous. we ended up going on a path that was rather dusty, so we ended the ride with the 3 of us wiping dirt off of our teeth. regardless, it was a ton of fun to be able to get out there and be in the fresh air - especially when we ended the ride by going to visit mackenzie (my cousin) at her work at the local smoothie shop to get a refreshing drink.
the rest of the day i just lazed around a read a book - catching in some of the afternoon rays.
september 13/09
today we all piled into the car and drove out to OSU (oregon state university) to help chelsey move into her dorm. it was crazy to be back at an university and it brought back so many memories of when i went to UofA. we then went out to lunch and then piled back into the car for the slightly long ride back to bend.
NOTE: i have completely filled up my most recent photo album of "west coast adventures" and have started another one that you can check out at: WEST COAST ADVENTURES (2)
Choose to Live
Posted by
5:19 AM
september 4/09
i find it difficult to get used to this whole hostel experience thing. in theory its all good - i get a cheap room in exchange for the opportunity to meet other fellow adventure travellers such as myself. the reality is much different.
the only person i have really connected with is a woman who is on the hunt for property in the nanaimo area. a local of b.c. she was astounded to hear that i had walked across the province. we shared minor chit-chat in passing and she left this morning. i didnt even know her name.
the rest of the people here seem to keep to themselves - whether for reasons that they already came with their friends, do not wish to talk or dont speak english. my time at the hostel has been spent in a wide range of awkward attempts to interact with people that i am tired. some people dont even smile back when i show them my own pearly whites. i wish i could assume its due to broccoli in my teeth, but i havent had any of that tree-like veggie for quite some time.
that all said, it is not as thought i mind the lack of interaction too much - i just wish the option was there should i want to take it. as it stands i am tired and dont have the energy for late night shindigs. my mind is racing wiht an endless stream of thoughts that its generally difficult to just gather the willpower to say hello to my fellow roomies.
sad - so very sad. i leave nanaimo tomorrow and i only hope that victoria will bring some peace of mind - literally.
september 5/09
last night i spoke too soon of my judgements about my fellow travellers at the purple turtle. after i wrote my frustrations i went to put my journal away and thats when i met her. one of my new roomies: celia. she turned out to be just what i needed. straight from sydney, australia - celia had spent the last few months backpacking across canada. in sharing a love of travel, the great outdoors and a confused curiousity of why so many backpackers carry around so much stuff when we have plenty stuffed in our 40 litre bags - our bond was immediate.
we spent the final hours of our evening swapping travel stories and playing fuseball. i found it so refreshing to actually have someone my age to hang out with. if only it could have been longer. unfortunately our journeys led us in opposite directions and we parted ways this morning.
i checked out of my room this morning and spent hours going through all the artsy stores downtown. i wanted to buy everything i saw, but my backpack reminded me i only have so much room to carry any purchases. instead i relished being able to walk around in my flip flops and not feel my feet scream in agony over the weight of my pack. with my old bag and gear used to get across bc - that luxary would be a near impossible feat.
i made it to the train station - or whats left of it - around noon. the actual station has been closed up due to a fire, so all that remains is a small portable box of a room with a few chairs to wait on. eventually people began to arrive and play the waiting game. the train arrived at 3:14 pm and i was done 1 of my 2 books. i boarded the train and bought my ticket. i then found my seat by a window.
i have never riden on a train like this and it feels surreal as though i am in a movie. for all the people that are on board the ride maintains to be just a quiet murmur of voices lost in their private conversations. i can only speculate where each of their journeys will take them. a middle-aged man sits behind me with the munchies - stuffing his face with cheezies. the computer guys sit in front of me - too emersed with their screens to enjoy the view outside. theres the 2 asian girls, dozing in their chairs and the 5 year old boy with his grandpa. its the boys first time and i wonder if my eyes look around with as much wonder and curiousity as his.
september 6/09
its raining again. i find it so amazing how no one appears to notice around here. everyone continues on their way as though they would had the sun been out shining. it still makes me want to curl up with a book and disappear. even still - i am making the effort to ignore the weather as the locals do. yesterday i did my run in the rain. today maybe ill venture over to the blues festival.
i have decided to stay in victoria for the next few days. partly because theres so much to see and do here, but also because i have to see a doctor to get a shot (nothing serious - no worries) and i figured itd be cheaper and easier to get it done before i hit up the states. unfortunately, it wasnt untill i had paid for my 5 night stay that i noticed all the signs posted indicating that any person could help out at the hostel for a few hours to pay for their bed. shoot. next time i will know better.
next time i hope i will be able to stay with a local. couch surf as it is. cheaper. quieter. better access to get insight into wherever i stay - it kind of becomes a no brainer.
last night i spent some time with 1 of my 3 roommates chatting it up. i foudn out that corrina spends most of her travels hiking through the mountains much like i was doing a few weeks ago. as we swapped sore feet stories i found myself missing the adventure of being in the wild. missing the fresh air. the peace and quiet. missing my tent.
but i dont miss the weight of my pack or only being able to wear "functional" clothes. i dont miss being dirty, sweat and stinky and unable to have showers on a regular basis. and i most definitely do not miss the blisters.
on a more random note, yesterday when i was walking to the hostel, some guy in his vehicle opened his window and shouted out to me "hey you - get a job!" i found this to be the most baffling of statements. it wasnt as though i looked like a bum. it wasnt as though i was paying him any attention. it wasnt as though i was asking for money. it wasnt as though anything was going on. his comment directed at me came from nowhere. all i could think was that i WISH "this" was my job. i wish i could get paid to explore places and write about them. i wish that i didnt have the constant thought in the back of my head that one day i WILL have to stop. fortunately that day is too far ahead to really have to worry about it now.
it has continued to rain and i have continued to press on. the hostel (ocean island - backpackers inn) has me changing rooms for tonight so i had to check out this morning, put my gear in storage and scram untill i can check into my new room at 3 pm. its only 1:50 pm.
due to my innate internal alarm clock i was up bright and early despite the bleary weather conditions. i figured id head on out to explore victoria, but i forgot its sunday today. nothing, not even chapters, was scheduled to open untill 11 am. i wandered tthe rainy streets for a couple hours, peering in shop windows and traying to figure out what to do for today.
i ended up checking out the classic boat festival. by "checking out" i mean i stood on the boardwalk with the pay phone receiver pressed to my ear as i talked to my dad, overlooking the festival boats from afar. there was also the blues bash festival. i peeked in a few of the craft tents and then was on my way. i continued on, checking out local stores, looking for earplugs (i forgot mine at the last hostel) and a belt (my jeans are constantly trying to fall off from being so worn and stretched out). i didnt find either. i did, however, stop in at the local lulu lemon store to find out that they have a free yoga session tonight. just what i needed. i cant wait.
but i have to wait so i sit here in a chapters (the library isnt open today) and i spend time readin and trying to keep my eyes open. it is not as though i am having horrible sleeps - i have just not given myself the opportunity to do absolutely nothing. even as i sit here in my plush coffee house chair, my mind is still running wild. should i let myself stop, i will fall asleep. i can feel it deep inside - but i cant let it get to me. tomorrow will be my "nothing" day. tomorrow, irronically enough, will also be known as labour day.
as i sit here in my bubble of ipod melodies, i scan the other people around me. enjoying their coffees. enjoying their books. enjoying the company of others. as i sit here i make up stories in my head of who these people are. what theyre about. what theyre doing here. i wonder if i have ever passed them on the streets before or if i ever will in the future. either way, as time passes on - i share this moment with them.
my thoughts drift to my own life. of who i am. who i was. who i will be. i think of all ive done. all im doing and that of which i only dream to do. as i child i would have never imagined i would be where i am today and yet i know within the deepest parts of my soul, i am doing what i was mean to do. i am at peace. i may be tired as hell and unknowning of what the future holds, but my sould is quiet of frustrations. i can only dream of what tomorrow holds. of where this path will take me.
i find there is something relatively mystical about sitting in a chapters starbucks. there is something about sitting with others who, quite simply, in one way or another are using their brains. its a feeling full of possibilities. a sense that anything is possible. a place where dreams are born. or at least it is that way for me.
it reminds me that no matter where we are in life - no matter how good or bad life can get - there is always so much more. so much more to experience. to make us grow. to inspire change. to give us strength. there is never a point where life is done. it is in a constant state of ripples. every day is anew with possibilities. everyday is its own journey. a fresh start.
never give up. never let go of your dreams. never stop learning. changing. growing. its never too late for anything.
september 7/09
i have made it to my day of "nothing." my day of no expectations. no chores. no responsibilities. no schedule. i have been needing one for quite some time. to quiet my mind. to relax my body.
i realized yesterday that a lot of what i was feeling was very similar to how one feels at the end of their vacation - that they need a vacation for their vacation. the problem for me lies in the fact that there is no forseeable end to my "vacation." as such, i needed to find time to re-balance myself. mind, body and spirit.
i got a good start on that last night when i was able to do the free drop-in class of yoga at the lulu lemon store. it was so refreshing to be among others - others who maybe came for different reason than me, but were there just the same. when the class ended i left feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
hense - today is the day of nothing. the rain continues to come down outside, but i have chosen to stay in. sleep in. its been so long since i have let myself just BE. no obligations to be anywhere. no pressing desire to do anything. after being on the go for so long - travelling - going - doing - it is nice to just stop and catch up with myself.
in the later part of the afternoon, the sun broke throught the clouds and dried the streets of all the rain. i ended up heading out to go and walk the streets before i went to meet up with norman and sue - sue is my dads cousin. i had never met them before so it was super cool to get to know some of my family.
we went to a restaurant called "nautical nellies" that is known for its seafood and steak. i was able to try lobster for the first time in my life and it was delicious!! i was only too happy to find out that norm and sue were going to pay for my meal as the total cost came to about the same price as staying 2 nights at my hostel! crazy! haha.
anyway, we had a great time just chatting it up - talking about family, travel and life. i only wish i could have had more time with them as they are the family i never knew i even had. during our coversation came up regarding the amount of homeless people in victoria, to which i agreed i had noticed there were a vaste amount of homeless people roaming the streets of downtown. apparently vancouver has recently been handing out free one-way ferry tickets to homeless people of vancouver to send them to victoria in order to "prepare" for the olympics. fortuantely the chief of police has since found out about this and was astounded that such a thing was going on.
eventually the night came to a close and we parted ways - i took it as an opportunity to be able to take some night shots of the harbour. all the lights mirrored colored patterns on the waters, much like a watercolor painting. beautiful. the parliment building was lit up with all the lights - reminding me of christmas time, but so graceful.
i made it back to my hostel room and immediately crashed.
september 8/09
i was only too happy to wake up today and find that there was sun (YAY!!) and that it was finally past the long weekend which meant everything was open and running on regular hours. holidays and long weekends are all good when a person is going about their regular life with work and home - but when out travelling, it is the most frustrating to discover it is a holiday and everything is closed early or not even open at all. as a result - today started off as an awesome day. and i had every intention of keeping it that way.
my first mission was the doctors office. i had to go there to get a depo shot (for those who dont know what that is - i am not going to bother explaining over the internet - but i will say that it makes travelling longterm as a woman a whole heck of a lot easier!). that meant waiting at a walk-in clinic for the doctor who gave me the prescription. i walked the couple of blocks to the pharmacy, only to discover - as per the pharmacist - that the doctor had forgotten to actually write the prescription on the square paper. so i went back the doctors office, got the prescription. went back to the pharmacy. got the medication. went back to the doctors (the 3rd time, for those who are keeping track) to get the shot. he gave the shot and i was on my way --- fortunately it was still only 10:30 am.
from there i made it to the library - where i am now - to discover that there is free internet. i LOVE it. nothing better than knowing i can take my time and its not eating away at what little money i have left for the week.
i find it difficult to get used to this whole hostel experience thing. in theory its all good - i get a cheap room in exchange for the opportunity to meet other fellow adventure travellers such as myself. the reality is much different.
the only person i have really connected with is a woman who is on the hunt for property in the nanaimo area. a local of b.c. she was astounded to hear that i had walked across the province. we shared minor chit-chat in passing and she left this morning. i didnt even know her name.
the rest of the people here seem to keep to themselves - whether for reasons that they already came with their friends, do not wish to talk or dont speak english. my time at the hostel has been spent in a wide range of awkward attempts to interact with people that i am tired. some people dont even smile back when i show them my own pearly whites. i wish i could assume its due to broccoli in my teeth, but i havent had any of that tree-like veggie for quite some time.
that all said, it is not as thought i mind the lack of interaction too much - i just wish the option was there should i want to take it. as it stands i am tired and dont have the energy for late night shindigs. my mind is racing wiht an endless stream of thoughts that its generally difficult to just gather the willpower to say hello to my fellow roomies.
sad - so very sad. i leave nanaimo tomorrow and i only hope that victoria will bring some peace of mind - literally.
september 5/09
last night i spoke too soon of my judgements about my fellow travellers at the purple turtle. after i wrote my frustrations i went to put my journal away and thats when i met her. one of my new roomies: celia. she turned out to be just what i needed. straight from sydney, australia - celia had spent the last few months backpacking across canada. in sharing a love of travel, the great outdoors and a confused curiousity of why so many backpackers carry around so much stuff when we have plenty stuffed in our 40 litre bags - our bond was immediate.
we spent the final hours of our evening swapping travel stories and playing fuseball. i found it so refreshing to actually have someone my age to hang out with. if only it could have been longer. unfortunately our journeys led us in opposite directions and we parted ways this morning.
i checked out of my room this morning and spent hours going through all the artsy stores downtown. i wanted to buy everything i saw, but my backpack reminded me i only have so much room to carry any purchases. instead i relished being able to walk around in my flip flops and not feel my feet scream in agony over the weight of my pack. with my old bag and gear used to get across bc - that luxary would be a near impossible feat.
i made it to the train station - or whats left of it - around noon. the actual station has been closed up due to a fire, so all that remains is a small portable box of a room with a few chairs to wait on. eventually people began to arrive and play the waiting game. the train arrived at 3:14 pm and i was done 1 of my 2 books. i boarded the train and bought my ticket. i then found my seat by a window.
i have never riden on a train like this and it feels surreal as though i am in a movie. for all the people that are on board the ride maintains to be just a quiet murmur of voices lost in their private conversations. i can only speculate where each of their journeys will take them. a middle-aged man sits behind me with the munchies - stuffing his face with cheezies. the computer guys sit in front of me - too emersed with their screens to enjoy the view outside. theres the 2 asian girls, dozing in their chairs and the 5 year old boy with his grandpa. its the boys first time and i wonder if my eyes look around with as much wonder and curiousity as his.
september 6/09
its raining again. i find it so amazing how no one appears to notice around here. everyone continues on their way as though they would had the sun been out shining. it still makes me want to curl up with a book and disappear. even still - i am making the effort to ignore the weather as the locals do. yesterday i did my run in the rain. today maybe ill venture over to the blues festival.
i have decided to stay in victoria for the next few days. partly because theres so much to see and do here, but also because i have to see a doctor to get a shot (nothing serious - no worries) and i figured itd be cheaper and easier to get it done before i hit up the states. unfortunately, it wasnt untill i had paid for my 5 night stay that i noticed all the signs posted indicating that any person could help out at the hostel for a few hours to pay for their bed. shoot. next time i will know better.
next time i hope i will be able to stay with a local. couch surf as it is. cheaper. quieter. better access to get insight into wherever i stay - it kind of becomes a no brainer.
last night i spent some time with 1 of my 3 roommates chatting it up. i foudn out that corrina spends most of her travels hiking through the mountains much like i was doing a few weeks ago. as we swapped sore feet stories i found myself missing the adventure of being in the wild. missing the fresh air. the peace and quiet. missing my tent.
but i dont miss the weight of my pack or only being able to wear "functional" clothes. i dont miss being dirty, sweat and stinky and unable to have showers on a regular basis. and i most definitely do not miss the blisters.
on a more random note, yesterday when i was walking to the hostel, some guy in his vehicle opened his window and shouted out to me "hey you - get a job!" i found this to be the most baffling of statements. it wasnt as though i looked like a bum. it wasnt as though i was paying him any attention. it wasnt as though i was asking for money. it wasnt as though anything was going on. his comment directed at me came from nowhere. all i could think was that i WISH "this" was my job. i wish i could get paid to explore places and write about them. i wish that i didnt have the constant thought in the back of my head that one day i WILL have to stop. fortunately that day is too far ahead to really have to worry about it now.
it has continued to rain and i have continued to press on. the hostel (ocean island - backpackers inn) has me changing rooms for tonight so i had to check out this morning, put my gear in storage and scram untill i can check into my new room at 3 pm. its only 1:50 pm.
due to my innate internal alarm clock i was up bright and early despite the bleary weather conditions. i figured id head on out to explore victoria, but i forgot its sunday today. nothing, not even chapters, was scheduled to open untill 11 am. i wandered tthe rainy streets for a couple hours, peering in shop windows and traying to figure out what to do for today.
i ended up checking out the classic boat festival. by "checking out" i mean i stood on the boardwalk with the pay phone receiver pressed to my ear as i talked to my dad, overlooking the festival boats from afar. there was also the blues bash festival. i peeked in a few of the craft tents and then was on my way. i continued on, checking out local stores, looking for earplugs (i forgot mine at the last hostel) and a belt (my jeans are constantly trying to fall off from being so worn and stretched out). i didnt find either. i did, however, stop in at the local lulu lemon store to find out that they have a free yoga session tonight. just what i needed. i cant wait.
but i have to wait so i sit here in a chapters (the library isnt open today) and i spend time readin and trying to keep my eyes open. it is not as though i am having horrible sleeps - i have just not given myself the opportunity to do absolutely nothing. even as i sit here in my plush coffee house chair, my mind is still running wild. should i let myself stop, i will fall asleep. i can feel it deep inside - but i cant let it get to me. tomorrow will be my "nothing" day. tomorrow, irronically enough, will also be known as labour day.
as i sit here in my bubble of ipod melodies, i scan the other people around me. enjoying their coffees. enjoying their books. enjoying the company of others. as i sit here i make up stories in my head of who these people are. what theyre about. what theyre doing here. i wonder if i have ever passed them on the streets before or if i ever will in the future. either way, as time passes on - i share this moment with them.
my thoughts drift to my own life. of who i am. who i was. who i will be. i think of all ive done. all im doing and that of which i only dream to do. as i child i would have never imagined i would be where i am today and yet i know within the deepest parts of my soul, i am doing what i was mean to do. i am at peace. i may be tired as hell and unknowning of what the future holds, but my sould is quiet of frustrations. i can only dream of what tomorrow holds. of where this path will take me.
i find there is something relatively mystical about sitting in a chapters starbucks. there is something about sitting with others who, quite simply, in one way or another are using their brains. its a feeling full of possibilities. a sense that anything is possible. a place where dreams are born. or at least it is that way for me.
it reminds me that no matter where we are in life - no matter how good or bad life can get - there is always so much more. so much more to experience. to make us grow. to inspire change. to give us strength. there is never a point where life is done. it is in a constant state of ripples. every day is anew with possibilities. everyday is its own journey. a fresh start.
never give up. never let go of your dreams. never stop learning. changing. growing. its never too late for anything.
september 7/09
i have made it to my day of "nothing." my day of no expectations. no chores. no responsibilities. no schedule. i have been needing one for quite some time. to quiet my mind. to relax my body.
i realized yesterday that a lot of what i was feeling was very similar to how one feels at the end of their vacation - that they need a vacation for their vacation. the problem for me lies in the fact that there is no forseeable end to my "vacation." as such, i needed to find time to re-balance myself. mind, body and spirit.
i got a good start on that last night when i was able to do the free drop-in class of yoga at the lulu lemon store. it was so refreshing to be among others - others who maybe came for different reason than me, but were there just the same. when the class ended i left feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
hense - today is the day of nothing. the rain continues to come down outside, but i have chosen to stay in. sleep in. its been so long since i have let myself just BE. no obligations to be anywhere. no pressing desire to do anything. after being on the go for so long - travelling - going - doing - it is nice to just stop and catch up with myself.
in the later part of the afternoon, the sun broke throught the clouds and dried the streets of all the rain. i ended up heading out to go and walk the streets before i went to meet up with norman and sue - sue is my dads cousin. i had never met them before so it was super cool to get to know some of my family.
we went to a restaurant called "nautical nellies" that is known for its seafood and steak. i was able to try lobster for the first time in my life and it was delicious!! i was only too happy to find out that norm and sue were going to pay for my meal as the total cost came to about the same price as staying 2 nights at my hostel! crazy! haha.
anyway, we had a great time just chatting it up - talking about family, travel and life. i only wish i could have had more time with them as they are the family i never knew i even had. during our coversation came up regarding the amount of homeless people in victoria, to which i agreed i had noticed there were a vaste amount of homeless people roaming the streets of downtown. apparently vancouver has recently been handing out free one-way ferry tickets to homeless people of vancouver to send them to victoria in order to "prepare" for the olympics. fortuantely the chief of police has since found out about this and was astounded that such a thing was going on.
eventually the night came to a close and we parted ways - i took it as an opportunity to be able to take some night shots of the harbour. all the lights mirrored colored patterns on the waters, much like a watercolor painting. beautiful. the parliment building was lit up with all the lights - reminding me of christmas time, but so graceful.
i made it back to my hostel room and immediately crashed.
september 8/09
i was only too happy to wake up today and find that there was sun (YAY!!) and that it was finally past the long weekend which meant everything was open and running on regular hours. holidays and long weekends are all good when a person is going about their regular life with work and home - but when out travelling, it is the most frustrating to discover it is a holiday and everything is closed early or not even open at all. as a result - today started off as an awesome day. and i had every intention of keeping it that way.
my first mission was the doctors office. i had to go there to get a depo shot (for those who dont know what that is - i am not going to bother explaining over the internet - but i will say that it makes travelling longterm as a woman a whole heck of a lot easier!). that meant waiting at a walk-in clinic for the doctor who gave me the prescription. i walked the couple of blocks to the pharmacy, only to discover - as per the pharmacist - that the doctor had forgotten to actually write the prescription on the square paper. so i went back the doctors office, got the prescription. went back to the pharmacy. got the medication. went back to the doctors (the 3rd time, for those who are keeping track) to get the shot. he gave the shot and i was on my way --- fortunately it was still only 10:30 am.
from there i made it to the library - where i am now - to discover that there is free internet. i LOVE it. nothing better than knowing i can take my time and its not eating away at what little money i have left for the week.
Speak from the Heart - Not from the Tongue
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9:38 AM
september 4/09
there is something so addicting about the ocean breeze. feeling it. hearing it. breathing it in. i find that everywhere i go it is slightly different. here, in nanaimo, it is like a soft kiss on the cheek as it grazes my skin - filled with the aroma of fish and seaweed. it is not salty like the ocean breeze of mexico and it not as warm as that of australia. it is, however, accompanied by the sound of seagulls along with the harmony of a construction crew working on a nearby building. the waves are minimal along the waters edge and, as such, the salty shores of nanaimo behave more like that of a lake rather than ocean. because of the calm waters, one can peer over the edge of the seawall and spot countless numbers of starfish resting in the shallow waters.
today is yet again another cloudy day with chance of showers. i am beginning to forget what its like to have the hot sun and bright blue sky. but that doesnt erase my automatic response to want to curl up and read a book on an overcast day such as this. i have to motivate myself to go and do something for the day which leads my thoughts to wonder just how long it takes a person to "get used" to the weather of western b.c.
i have chosen today to head on over to newcastle island. there is a 5 min ferry ride to get to the idealic provincial park and everyone ive talked to had said it was well worth it to go. surrounded by sandstone shorelines and sandy gravel beaches it was love at first sight for me. i started off by taking my camera to the shore under the docks to take pictures of the purple colored starfish hiding among the crevices. it was there i also discovered the tiny crabs living under any rock i disturbed. fortunately their first thought was to flee the scene rather than attach their small claws to my pedicured toes.
as i sit here now at my picnic table enjoying the view of douglas-fir and oak trees (thats right - i read the brochure) i can hear seagulls in the background, dropping their clamshells on the sandstone to get at the tasty treat inside. i find it wierdto think that fall is quickly approaching. there are already many leaves that have fallen to the ground. it makes me want to run to where its warm again. to where the concept of pants and long sleeves is a distant thought in the back of my mind. i am quickly reminded that that is in fact where i am going - provided i keep going.
i have left newcastle island in order to check out the farmers market back in nanaimo. it has to be probably the smallest farmers market i have ever been to.there are only a handful of tents put up - but even still, there are a wide range of products to check out. fresh produce. jewellery. massages. art. jams and jellies. knitted clothing. the list goes on and the only thing i thought was worth my money was a smokey from the girl guides tent.
as i sit here and take it all in, i find that i am exhausted. i feel completely drained. i want to curl up and sleep forever and i dont know why. i hope i feel rested soon. hopefully its all just my change of pace again. my fingers are crossed.
i have since left the farmers market for the comfort of the library. with the cheapest internet around town, comfortable chairs and an endless supply of books i figured it would be the perfect place to enjoy the afternoon. even still, my mind wanders in reflection of how my time at nanaimo is almost at an end. i will be checking out of my room "L" (room "L" for the "laid back lady" - as the guy told me when i checked in the purple turtle) to go catch the train that will take me to victoria. in many ways i feel as though my time here has ended too soon, but as i look around at all the leaves changing color and feel the crisp fall breeze on my face i know i can not stay much longer as it is. i do not want to be here for the cold. instead, i will go south with the birds and all the seniors heading to florida. haha.
there is something so addicting about the ocean breeze. feeling it. hearing it. breathing it in. i find that everywhere i go it is slightly different. here, in nanaimo, it is like a soft kiss on the cheek as it grazes my skin - filled with the aroma of fish and seaweed. it is not salty like the ocean breeze of mexico and it not as warm as that of australia. it is, however, accompanied by the sound of seagulls along with the harmony of a construction crew working on a nearby building. the waves are minimal along the waters edge and, as such, the salty shores of nanaimo behave more like that of a lake rather than ocean. because of the calm waters, one can peer over the edge of the seawall and spot countless numbers of starfish resting in the shallow waters.
today is yet again another cloudy day with chance of showers. i am beginning to forget what its like to have the hot sun and bright blue sky. but that doesnt erase my automatic response to want to curl up and read a book on an overcast day such as this. i have to motivate myself to go and do something for the day which leads my thoughts to wonder just how long it takes a person to "get used" to the weather of western b.c.
i have chosen today to head on over to newcastle island. there is a 5 min ferry ride to get to the idealic provincial park and everyone ive talked to had said it was well worth it to go. surrounded by sandstone shorelines and sandy gravel beaches it was love at first sight for me. i started off by taking my camera to the shore under the docks to take pictures of the purple colored starfish hiding among the crevices. it was there i also discovered the tiny crabs living under any rock i disturbed. fortunately their first thought was to flee the scene rather than attach their small claws to my pedicured toes.
as i sit here now at my picnic table enjoying the view of douglas-fir and oak trees (thats right - i read the brochure) i can hear seagulls in the background, dropping their clamshells on the sandstone to get at the tasty treat inside. i find it wierdto think that fall is quickly approaching. there are already many leaves that have fallen to the ground. it makes me want to run to where its warm again. to where the concept of pants and long sleeves is a distant thought in the back of my mind. i am quickly reminded that that is in fact where i am going - provided i keep going.
i have left newcastle island in order to check out the farmers market back in nanaimo. it has to be probably the smallest farmers market i have ever been to.there are only a handful of tents put up - but even still, there are a wide range of products to check out. fresh produce. jewellery. massages. art. jams and jellies. knitted clothing. the list goes on and the only thing i thought was worth my money was a smokey from the girl guides tent.
as i sit here and take it all in, i find that i am exhausted. i feel completely drained. i want to curl up and sleep forever and i dont know why. i hope i feel rested soon. hopefully its all just my change of pace again. my fingers are crossed.
i have since left the farmers market for the comfort of the library. with the cheapest internet around town, comfortable chairs and an endless supply of books i figured it would be the perfect place to enjoy the afternoon. even still, my mind wanders in reflection of how my time at nanaimo is almost at an end. i will be checking out of my room "L" (room "L" for the "laid back lady" - as the guy told me when i checked in the purple turtle) to go catch the train that will take me to victoria. in many ways i feel as though my time here has ended too soon, but as i look around at all the leaves changing color and feel the crisp fall breeze on my face i know i can not stay much longer as it is. i do not want to be here for the cold. instead, i will go south with the birds and all the seniors heading to florida. haha.
What I Be is What I Be
Posted by
6:48 AM
september 3/09
i have made it to nanaimo and find that i am loving my time so far on vancouver island. nanaimo is a fair-sized artsy place that is refered to as being the "harbour city." lined with endless boating docks, the quiet waters of the ocean lapping the shoreline provide a calm serenity to passerbys. this morning i was able to run along the seawall, drinking in the view as i contemplated my deepening desire to want to stay longer in nanaimo.
that feeling has taken me by surprise and i havent quite figured out where it originates from. even as i approached the city by the ferry yesterday and gazed out my window at the lush green trees surrounding private properties, i knew i would like it here. even the rain clouds that cover the sky today have not detered me from having an enjoyable time.
thats not to say that the last few moments in vancouver were not enjoyable either. 2 days ago (september 1) it was my last full day in vancouver. kathy and i made plans to hike the grouse grind. this relatively short trail of 2.9 km has become famous because of the challenge it brings to those that attempt it. each year around the middle of september there is a race that attracts individuals from all over hoping to beat the record times. though the grouse grind is intimidating as it goes straight up the side of the mountain in a steep incline - it is not impossible. people of all ages and abilities have succeeded in reaching the top.
kathy and i became 2 more individuals to complete the challenging route. surrounded by streams of people huffing and puffing their way to the top - we plugged along, taking in the foggy view that enclosed us as we climbed. 2 hours and 20 minutes later we made it to the top. for anyone who has completed the climb, they know our time is in no way impressive when compared to the record times that sit near the 25 minute mark. we were in no rush.
after we explored the top of the mountain, had lunch, checked out the grizzly bear habitat and rode the 100 passenger gondola ride back to the base (the grouse grind enforces a one-way rule), we were ready for dinner. that night happened to be the night of east indian food. kathy and i met up with some of kathys friends and chowed down on some of the best east indian food my mouth has ever tried. a couple hours later, after an episode of flinging a visa card onto the plate of a neighboring table (we were trying to get the attention of our incompetent waitress by waving the check book in the air) - we parted ways.
yesterday flew by as i packed my things and went to catch the ferry to nanaimo. it was strange to say goodbye to the family ive been staying with for the past 2 weeks - almost as though i was leaving home all over again. but i knew it was time to go.
i made it to nanaimo and checked into the purple turtle hostel. it was wierd, but nice to be among fellow tourists again. i crashed last night with ear plugs securely in my ears and woke up today for a day of new adventures. walking around. taking pictures. drinking tea at a nearby coffee shop. window shopping. reading books at the library. im loving it.
- shalane
i have made it to nanaimo and find that i am loving my time so far on vancouver island. nanaimo is a fair-sized artsy place that is refered to as being the "harbour city." lined with endless boating docks, the quiet waters of the ocean lapping the shoreline provide a calm serenity to passerbys. this morning i was able to run along the seawall, drinking in the view as i contemplated my deepening desire to want to stay longer in nanaimo.
that feeling has taken me by surprise and i havent quite figured out where it originates from. even as i approached the city by the ferry yesterday and gazed out my window at the lush green trees surrounding private properties, i knew i would like it here. even the rain clouds that cover the sky today have not detered me from having an enjoyable time.
thats not to say that the last few moments in vancouver were not enjoyable either. 2 days ago (september 1) it was my last full day in vancouver. kathy and i made plans to hike the grouse grind. this relatively short trail of 2.9 km has become famous because of the challenge it brings to those that attempt it. each year around the middle of september there is a race that attracts individuals from all over hoping to beat the record times. though the grouse grind is intimidating as it goes straight up the side of the mountain in a steep incline - it is not impossible. people of all ages and abilities have succeeded in reaching the top.
kathy and i became 2 more individuals to complete the challenging route. surrounded by streams of people huffing and puffing their way to the top - we plugged along, taking in the foggy view that enclosed us as we climbed. 2 hours and 20 minutes later we made it to the top. for anyone who has completed the climb, they know our time is in no way impressive when compared to the record times that sit near the 25 minute mark. we were in no rush.
after we explored the top of the mountain, had lunch, checked out the grizzly bear habitat and rode the 100 passenger gondola ride back to the base (the grouse grind enforces a one-way rule), we were ready for dinner. that night happened to be the night of east indian food. kathy and i met up with some of kathys friends and chowed down on some of the best east indian food my mouth has ever tried. a couple hours later, after an episode of flinging a visa card onto the plate of a neighboring table (we were trying to get the attention of our incompetent waitress by waving the check book in the air) - we parted ways.
yesterday flew by as i packed my things and went to catch the ferry to nanaimo. it was strange to say goodbye to the family ive been staying with for the past 2 weeks - almost as though i was leaving home all over again. but i knew it was time to go.
i made it to nanaimo and checked into the purple turtle hostel. it was wierd, but nice to be among fellow tourists again. i crashed last night with ear plugs securely in my ears and woke up today for a day of new adventures. walking around. taking pictures. drinking tea at a nearby coffee shop. window shopping. reading books at the library. im loving it.
- shalane
New Pictures
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10:02 AM
i forgot to add in my last post that i have created a new photo album as i have filled up the last one (i cant believe how many pictures i have - CRAZY!!) - the title of the album has changed to suit the change in my journey as i travel down the west coast of north america towards LA. you can check out the new album at: WEST COAST ADVENTURES please note that the link will be also kept to the right side of my blog posts with the others.... enjoy!
We Can Bomb the World to Pieces, But We Can't Bomb it Into Peace
Posted by
7:52 AM
august 28/09
more and more i realize i am not meant for the big city. everyone rushing, everyone busy. the air stale from constant gas emissions and construction dust. whats left of the natural environment is divided into territories, reshaped and developed into skyrises. townhomes. condos.
even still - vancouver has to be one of the greenest big cities i have ever been to. there are vast amounts of parks, beaches and mountains - but after having my experience out in the wild of b.c. i find that what vancouver has to offer is not enough. i long for a beach without views of freighters and cruise ships passing by. i dream of walking down a sidewalk without being detoured every block by construction crews. i miss the slow pace a smaller city brings where "window shopping" still holds its meaning.
that all said - vancouver isnt all bad. i have enjoyed exploring all there is here - including my experience in getting my first (and well deserved) pedicure. i had no idea there was that much dead skin on my heels! i thought for sure the lady was going to scrape me down to the bone.
there is also so much more to do than what i have donw. the markets. more beach. grouse mountain. vancouver island. the list goes on and the more i do, the more i find out there is to do.
august 29/09
well - yesterday was such a long day i simply had no energy left in me to finish writing about it. after spending a few hours wandering the streets and shops of downtown i managed to find my way over to granville island where the year-long market is.
from there i spent more tim wandering the stores filled with handmade and/or imported products. i admired all the fresh produce on the fruit and veggie stands and spent time listening to local musicians as i ate some gelato. all in all it was a great day.
as i left the market it was then that i met HIM. i was walking along the sidewalk towards my bus stop when out of the corner of my eye i saw a man making a beeline for me. when he got beside me he started gesturing towards the "scenery" (we were under a major bridge, the street was grundgy and the boats parked along the shoreline sat in algae-coated water) and saying things in french. i simply told him i do not speak french so hes going to have to switch up the conversation style if he wanted to talk to me.
he responded by explaining that he thought that everything we were looking at, where we were, what we were experiencing was utterly romantic.
me - being me - automatically went to my defence tactics against creepy men im not interested in by playing the bitter card. i told him it might be romantic for those who were with their special someone.
as soon as the words left my mouth i knew i had said the wrong thing. i had momentarily forgotten i was speaking to a middle-aged french man who was obviously VERY forward. as such, my words of bluntness immediately opened the door for him to think that i was available.... for him.
i dont remember much about the rest of our conversation other than i told him my name was susan, he gave me his email address, repeatedly asked me to go for drinks with him, kissed my hand and stood WAY too close to me. all the while the little voice in my head is screaming "SOS" and my eyes scan all the people passing by us to find one that i could pass off as being my friend. as it happened everyone was either on a bike, rollerblades or strolling hand-in-hand with that special someone as they enjoyed the "romantic" view.
eventually i managed to convince my paris-residing creep that i REALLY had to go meet my friends. he pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the cheek. i wanted to run for my life. instead i crossed the street and hid behind the bush until i could be sure that the french man was long gone. i made a mental note that i need to come up with more strategies to avoid these types of men should i ever venture to the realm of france.
today, however, was an excellent day in which all of us (mike, kathy, the kids and i) went out for some chinese food and then for ice cream. we ended up going to an place called the international ice cream factory and it definitely lived up to its name! complete with 218 flavours i was astounded to find out what some of them were. there was corn, wassabi, apple cheddar and many others that left my jaw dropping at the thought that there was people out there that actually WANTED to pay for a taste of that. i, on the other hand, stuck with a more "normal" flavour of pineapple strawberry. YUM!
august 30/09
as i come down the homestretch of my experiences with vancouver i feel sentimental in having to say "goodbye." i find the emotion surprising to me as this is not the most ideal place i would want to be at, yet the complexities that vancouver offers pull me in to a deeper sense of appreciation and even love of the west coast city.
sure, the beaches are littered with garbage and the view is busy with an endless stream of freighter and cruise ships, but that has brought me to a place of fascination over the unique culture of vancouver. yeah, theres tons of construction, tall skyscrapers and endless streams of vehicles, but that gives the city character.
there is a sense of beauty and grace to vancouver that is unlike any city i have ever been to before. looking back over my journey that has brought me to today, i truely believe i came to vancouver with a closed mind. i had already decided it wouldnt be a place id like. as such, i had originally planned to be in and out within a couple of days. its now nearly 2 weeks and i am glad i stuck around. sure, vancouver may not be a place id come to settle down in, but because i finally took the time to relax and get to know the city, i can see how others want to and have come to live here.
a couple days from now i will plan to move on. i want to check out vancouver island for a bit before i make my way down the west coast to LA. i find it amazing how much cheaper flights are from the states though i really cant complain much as now i get to add the west coast of the usa to my adventures. to top it off - i got family in oregon so i hope to stope by for a visit with them as its been a few years.
all that said - today has been yet another great day. i went to do the observation deck at the vancouver lookout then have spent the afternoon wandering around downtown, taking pictures and hanging at the beach. here on the sand i have realized just how much my body has become climatized to the hot weather. it is sunny and in the mid-20s today - everyones stripped to their swimsuits. i, on the other hand, stay in jeans and contemplate putting on a sweater as i find the ocean breeze cool.
august 31/09
it is officially the last day of the month and i can hardly believe how time has flown by. its hard to imagine that before this journey had begun, the longest i had ever been away from "home" was a total of 19 days. today im at day 62. before this journey i had never spent more than 4 days backpacking in the wilderness. i have now done 49. before this journey i had never done a lot of the things im doing now - i had only dreamed of them. and yet, even still, this journey feels the most natural things in the world. i suppose that is what living out my dream should be like.
i am super excited to be moving forward in the next couple of days. i can only imagine where life is going to take me and i relish the feeling of not knowing.
more and more i realize i am not meant for the big city. everyone rushing, everyone busy. the air stale from constant gas emissions and construction dust. whats left of the natural environment is divided into territories, reshaped and developed into skyrises. townhomes. condos.
even still - vancouver has to be one of the greenest big cities i have ever been to. there are vast amounts of parks, beaches and mountains - but after having my experience out in the wild of b.c. i find that what vancouver has to offer is not enough. i long for a beach without views of freighters and cruise ships passing by. i dream of walking down a sidewalk without being detoured every block by construction crews. i miss the slow pace a smaller city brings where "window shopping" still holds its meaning.
that all said - vancouver isnt all bad. i have enjoyed exploring all there is here - including my experience in getting my first (and well deserved) pedicure. i had no idea there was that much dead skin on my heels! i thought for sure the lady was going to scrape me down to the bone.
there is also so much more to do than what i have donw. the markets. more beach. grouse mountain. vancouver island. the list goes on and the more i do, the more i find out there is to do.
august 29/09
well - yesterday was such a long day i simply had no energy left in me to finish writing about it. after spending a few hours wandering the streets and shops of downtown i managed to find my way over to granville island where the year-long market is.
from there i spent more tim wandering the stores filled with handmade and/or imported products. i admired all the fresh produce on the fruit and veggie stands and spent time listening to local musicians as i ate some gelato. all in all it was a great day.
as i left the market it was then that i met HIM. i was walking along the sidewalk towards my bus stop when out of the corner of my eye i saw a man making a beeline for me. when he got beside me he started gesturing towards the "scenery" (we were under a major bridge, the street was grundgy and the boats parked along the shoreline sat in algae-coated water) and saying things in french. i simply told him i do not speak french so hes going to have to switch up the conversation style if he wanted to talk to me.
he responded by explaining that he thought that everything we were looking at, where we were, what we were experiencing was utterly romantic.
me - being me - automatically went to my defence tactics against creepy men im not interested in by playing the bitter card. i told him it might be romantic for those who were with their special someone.
as soon as the words left my mouth i knew i had said the wrong thing. i had momentarily forgotten i was speaking to a middle-aged french man who was obviously VERY forward. as such, my words of bluntness immediately opened the door for him to think that i was available.... for him.
i dont remember much about the rest of our conversation other than i told him my name was susan, he gave me his email address, repeatedly asked me to go for drinks with him, kissed my hand and stood WAY too close to me. all the while the little voice in my head is screaming "SOS" and my eyes scan all the people passing by us to find one that i could pass off as being my friend. as it happened everyone was either on a bike, rollerblades or strolling hand-in-hand with that special someone as they enjoyed the "romantic" view.
eventually i managed to convince my paris-residing creep that i REALLY had to go meet my friends. he pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the cheek. i wanted to run for my life. instead i crossed the street and hid behind the bush until i could be sure that the french man was long gone. i made a mental note that i need to come up with more strategies to avoid these types of men should i ever venture to the realm of france.
today, however, was an excellent day in which all of us (mike, kathy, the kids and i) went out for some chinese food and then for ice cream. we ended up going to an place called the international ice cream factory and it definitely lived up to its name! complete with 218 flavours i was astounded to find out what some of them were. there was corn, wassabi, apple cheddar and many others that left my jaw dropping at the thought that there was people out there that actually WANTED to pay for a taste of that. i, on the other hand, stuck with a more "normal" flavour of pineapple strawberry. YUM!
august 30/09
as i come down the homestretch of my experiences with vancouver i feel sentimental in having to say "goodbye." i find the emotion surprising to me as this is not the most ideal place i would want to be at, yet the complexities that vancouver offers pull me in to a deeper sense of appreciation and even love of the west coast city.
sure, the beaches are littered with garbage and the view is busy with an endless stream of freighter and cruise ships, but that has brought me to a place of fascination over the unique culture of vancouver. yeah, theres tons of construction, tall skyscrapers and endless streams of vehicles, but that gives the city character.
there is a sense of beauty and grace to vancouver that is unlike any city i have ever been to before. looking back over my journey that has brought me to today, i truely believe i came to vancouver with a closed mind. i had already decided it wouldnt be a place id like. as such, i had originally planned to be in and out within a couple of days. its now nearly 2 weeks and i am glad i stuck around. sure, vancouver may not be a place id come to settle down in, but because i finally took the time to relax and get to know the city, i can see how others want to and have come to live here.
a couple days from now i will plan to move on. i want to check out vancouver island for a bit before i make my way down the west coast to LA. i find it amazing how much cheaper flights are from the states though i really cant complain much as now i get to add the west coast of the usa to my adventures. to top it off - i got family in oregon so i hope to stope by for a visit with them as its been a few years.
all that said - today has been yet another great day. i went to do the observation deck at the vancouver lookout then have spent the afternoon wandering around downtown, taking pictures and hanging at the beach. here on the sand i have realized just how much my body has become climatized to the hot weather. it is sunny and in the mid-20s today - everyones stripped to their swimsuits. i, on the other hand, stay in jeans and contemplate putting on a sweater as i find the ocean breeze cool.
august 31/09
it is officially the last day of the month and i can hardly believe how time has flown by. its hard to imagine that before this journey had begun, the longest i had ever been away from "home" was a total of 19 days. today im at day 62. before this journey i had never spent more than 4 days backpacking in the wilderness. i have now done 49. before this journey i had never done a lot of the things im doing now - i had only dreamed of them. and yet, even still, this journey feels the most natural things in the world. i suppose that is what living out my dream should be like.
i am super excited to be moving forward in the next couple of days. i can only imagine where life is going to take me and i relish the feeling of not knowing.
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