

Backpacker n.

A species of human who travels with limited supplies, usually only with what can fit in a pack strapped to their backs. One may view these organisms as they live our their daily lives in the midst of travelling around the world. They can be in the wild doing some long distance hiking. They may be spotted in popular exotic tourist destinations. They may be your co-worker. They may be at the next tent site at your caravan park. Keep your eyes open as backpackers live with a cameleon mentality and easily blend into the environment they are in - whether or not they actually know what they are doing there.

They do not come with a lot of money and may be spotted wearing the same set of clothing for days on end. Laundry is not a priority for these humans and when it is done, one can observe them "cleaning" their clothes and linen in a wash basin. Laundry detergent is a thing of luxary for these people and, as such, do not be surprised to find them using dish soap, hand soap, body wash or even no cleaning supplies whatsoever to clean their clothes.

Laundry aside, backpackers come in all shapes and sizes and are, yes, from all countries of the world. They talk loud and rapidly and usually about things that are seemingly random topics of conversation. Should you spot a backpacker, feel free to join in the conversation or simply stand by and observe as the conversation will surely jump from topics of the price of carrots to the next place of travel to debating the cost of a phone call to Europe to who has the had the strangest work experience. No topic is off limits with backpackers and as an outsider to this species you may find yourself become rapidly engaged at the freedom of speech - occassionaly spoken in multiple languages at the same time.

Though you may constantly spot the same backpacker lazing around and doing nothing, do not be fooled. Backpackers are considerably hard workers and when questioned, will regularly tell of their lengthy work days and how they juggle 2, sometimes 3 jobs at one time. Though they may work a lot at one point in time, a limited amount of money is ever spent. It all goes to the bank for their next great adventure and, as such, backpackers regularly come up against resistence from fellow human beings who are offended over a backpacker's sense of "cheapness" in consumerism. This complex organism will walk 5km to town to save on the $3.50 bus fare. They will scrounge for free food from their jobs and refuse to buy bread from one store if they heard it was 50 cents cheaper at the next. They will ask for special discounts on absolutely everything. There is no shame for them.

That being said, do not confuse their cheapness for selfishness. Backpackers as a species can be some of the most generous people you meet. If you ask, they will generally find some way to give. Provided you are not trying to rip them off. They tend to have a sixth sense about these things and is one of the few things that angers them greatly.

As backpackers are generally thought to be of the travelling, free-spirited type, do not expect them to stick around in one place for too long. Before you know it, they will pack everything up, strap their packs to their back and disappear into the world to most likely never be seen again. So get to know them while you can. Spend time with them. Learn their language. Listen to their story. Do not simply walk by and gawk at them as they sit sprawled out in front of their tents excitedely eating a piece of fruit they managed to scrounge up. Do not stand and stare at them as they raid the op shop as though they are shopping the greatest sale of all time. And do not, I repeat, do not make smart remarks that are seemingly funny regarding how their packs must weigh a lot, how they should be washing their hair or the dreads will set in, how when they are finally saying goodbye to the family they have made and come to love that they are taking a long time to leave.

Backpackers are a species of their own, one that when their time is come they may morph into a respectable citizen with a house, car, dog, spouse, white picket fence and all that comes with it. Or maybe they will just stay as they are, doing the things that most humans will never do and only dream of. Their story is a special one and one to be respected - not one to be spied at as though they are a caged animal at the zoo. They are dirty. They are cheap. They are some of the most adventureous human beings of all times and remind the rest of human kind that the world is out there to be explored and experienced at it's fullest. 


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