Within the period of 2 days Alex and I have received word from 3 more magazines who have agreed to print articles regarding our trek across New Zealand. What started as a brilliant sponsorship through Adventure Travel Magazine who has decided to do an article on our journey has turned into a multi-magazine event. Now Alex and I have added Australian Geographic, Women Sport Report and Endurance Sport magazines to our list of sponsors helping us out by spreading the word.
And it's not just the articles that Alex and I are stoked about. It's the fact that the 3 we received word from in the last few days all are asking US to write the articles for it. What does one even do with information like that? Sure, I have been writing this blog for a while now, but to write an article for a magazine? Definitely something to chew on for sure. Feels as though I am back in school - only I am not just worried about whether I did good enough to get a A+ on the report. People are actually going to read what has been written. People who buy the magazine. People who want to know what Alex and I are up to. People who want to know more. People who want to be inspired. People.
It's totally, completely and utterly exciting. And equally intimidating. Where does one begin? What do they say? I think back to all the articles I've read about various adventurers out there who have done some amazing things and I am in awe at how inspiring their articles came across to me. They sounded like they knew what they were doing. They seemed as though all their ducks were in a row. The biggest care they had was just to do their journey - no word was said about the difficulty of doing the prep work - about being in the midst of trying to do an article for a well-read magazine. Let alone 3 of them at one time.
And then there's something such as the news Women Sport Report gave us. They don't just want an article about us in their magazine. They want to do an entire feature. And not just a feature - they hope to be able to follow us along our journey by posting snippets of our blog entries and stuff to keep their readers up-to-date. That is so absolutely and utterly cool and yet I am completely at a loss as to how to not screw it up.
That being said - I have faith in Alex and I. We will come together and figure it out. We have come this far by learning as we go. And this is just one more thing we have to do. And it is probably one of the most amazing things we are doing to prepare for this trek. Okay - that's not ENTIRELY true. It was pretty cool to be able to get our websites up and going. To figure out how to get some advertisment pamphlets printed. To receive word that some outdoor gear companies will sponsor us. To partner with an amazing organization such as Indigo Foundation who is as excited about us raising money for their Solomon Island project as we are. And we haven't even gotten to New Zealand yet.
I think back maybe a year ago and think of where I was at. I was maybe somewhere around Nelson, BC - having trekked from Banff to there on my own. I was debated whether I should continue on or just put the pack away for a while and settle in Nelson. I never would have imagined I would be where I am today - talking to companies, promoting a trek, gaining sponsorship, seriously planning to trek the distance of a country, raising money for an something I truely believe in. Never. Not even in my wildest dreams. And yet I am here - so maybe, just maybe, on some level the idea for this was always there - though I am scared out of my mind at trying to figure out all this stuff as we go along and not screw up, I feel at peace with what I am doing. I am doing what I am meant to do. What I should do. What I want to do. I am living my dream. My one life adventure.
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