Okay. So I did it. Finally. I caved and watched Twilight. Or at least I caved and watched the second one, New Moon. It was the only one I could rent at the time and I needed to see what all the hype was about. Quite frankly, I just don't see it. All it is is a series of movies developed around a teen love story - one that has vampires, warewolves and everything else related. Sure, some of the actor/actresses are nice to look at, but they're also playing 17-year-old characters. Or 109-year-old vampires pretending to be 17-years-old. And that's just plain wierd.
And through all the cheesey lines, I did like the one that's the title for this blog. Makes me think, what if it IS all true? What if all the stories we hear as little children are real? What if the basis for our imagination as a child is something that is never really proven false, just hidden by all of life's fakeness? As a child we're encouraged to believe that we can be anything, do anything and that the world is ours for the taking. We're encouraged to dream big. We're told that anything is possible if we only believe.
Sure, there may not be a man in a bright red suit to fly presents on his reindeer-drawn sleight to all the little girls and boys. There may not actually be mermaids and we may not ever be able to fly with pixie dust. We might never come face-to-face with a Care Bear or be running for our lives from a vampire coming to suck blood. The characters and imaginative stories lines may always be something of fiction in our lives, but the basis for their existence is true in every sense and I think as we become adults push those childish concepts to the back corners of our brain.
Because the truth is - fairytales are real. They happen every day. Every moment around the world people are achieving their dreams and goals - they are doing things they never thought were possible. They are taking the chances and risks to succeed. They are hanging onto the things that matter and making the most of every moment. They are living in their own wonderland and it's so much better than Alice's because it's real.
But the same is true of horror stories. They are out there staring us in the face whether we like it or not. There are people in the world who are bad. There are those out there that intend to destroy. And sometimes it's not just humans - sometimes the horror story is one of nature as well. Natural disasters occur nearly every day on this planet and few even acknowledge the imapact it has people's lives.
I don't think there is anything "sane" and "normal" in this world and I wouldn't want there to be. Everyone's life is a complex design of innerworkings and that is the beauty of life itself. I have my own fairytale life. One of which I have the opportunity to live with some amazing people in a community I view much like my own family of blood. Living in a tent. Living a block from the coast of the Indian Ocean. Living and working as I prepare to fulfill my current dream of walking the length of New Zealand. It's not easy, but what fairytale is? There is no beginning to my fairytale story. No "once upon a time." It just is.
And there is no ending either as I battle out the horror stories of this world. Raising money for Indigo Foundation's Solomon Island's project is just one of the very small ways I can help out. People all too frequently sit back and banter about the innerworkings of the latest horror story. Few are ready to actually take a stand and do something about it. But in this project for Indigo Foundation, I am learning that the people willing to change the world for the better are far more than I ever thought possible. And by doing what Alex and I are doing ($10000 will provide 2 years of support for the Solomon Island project), we hope to change this one horror story into a fairytale ending.
So step outside of your sane and normal existence and help us out. It doesn't take much to make a difference. Alex and I still have our $5 challenge - $5 (a cup of coffee at Starbucks) is not much. But it is all of us pitching in together that will make a bigger difference than a few massive donations from a handful of people. Think like a child. Share a little and watch how far it goes. Think of the people the money will go to. $5 will help build up a community for the longterm. For forever.
Alex and I will take care of the walking New Zealand bit.
3000 KM. 5 Months. 2 Adventurers. 1 Country. Te Araroa Trek.
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